Page 2 - Weekly EVENTS FLYER 07 05 to 07 12
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Activities Director Liz Phipps
Saturday, July 6 • Card Room • 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Mondays – Fridays • 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Bring your photos and creativity to the table; no other Program Runs now through August 2
materials necessary. Ages 8 and up recommended. Contact $185/Week per Person • $50 Drop-In Rate
Diane at or 703-973-4373 for details! Drop the kiddos off this summer with Milos for fun at the
Sports Jam WAL Kids Club Program! Pack lunch and snacks,
YAPPY HAPPY HOUR swim gear, and comfortable shoes so your child can play
sports, swim, make crafts and more! Care not available on
Friday, July 5 Federal holidays. Sibling discounts available. Register with Liz
Upper Terrace • 7 p.m. in the Activities Office to reserve your spot today!
Have an evening of fun at this pet-friendly
social sponsored by the Pet Committee.
As a thank you to the WAL community, certified massage
We’re on break for the summer. We’ll meet again in the fall! therapist Andrew Carr now offers massage at WAL at a dis-
counted rate! He’s here on Monday mornings and afternoons
as well as Friday afternoons and evenings. Visit
FREE MOVIE: to book an
ALPHA appointment or call Liz at 703-370-7092.
Thursday, July 11 Appointments can last 30 minutes ($40),
TV Room • 2 and 7 p.m. one-hour ($80) or 90 minutes ($120).
Rated PG-13 More details on scheduling, pricing and
In this adventure saga set during payments can be found on the website.
the last Ice Age, a young man on a
hunting expedition loses his bear- PERSONAL TRAINING
ings and must make his way Getting a personal trainer could be the best decision for your
through a hostile landscape— health that you ever make! Try one of our packages to get
accompanied only by his dog—to started!
reunite with his tribe.
$360 - Four one-hour sessions
$180 - Four 1/2-hour sessions
EVENING BOOK CLUB: Group sessions are also forming now! Contact Liz Phipps for
information on the various trainers on staff. Learn
THE ELEGANCE OF THE about their qualifications and the different packages
HEDGEHOG available.
Thursday, July 11 • Library • 7:30 p.m.
Discuss with neighbors Muriel Barbery’s
novel about an encounter between a SUMMER GROUP EXERCISE CLASSES
middle-aged concierge woman and a 12- Schedule runs now through September 30, 2019
year-old girl who needed each other more Call 703-370-7092 to purchase your class pass today!
than they both realized.
Mondays - Pilates • 10:30 a.m. • Terrace Lounge
Tuesdays - High Intensity Training • 6:30 p.m. • Terrace
WIMBLEDON VIEWING PARTY Wednesdays - Tone/Balance/Stretch • 12:00 p.m. • Terrace
Sunday, July 14 • Terrace Lounge • 9 a.m. Lounge
Come down and watch the men’s Thursdays - Aqua Zumba • 7 p.m. • Indoor Pool
final of Wimbledon! The Recreation Saturdays - Yoga • 9 a.m. • Terrace Lounge
Committee will supply tea, coffee,
and a light spread of breakfast pas- Want to attend fitness classes? Purchase a class
tries. pass that can be used to attend any or all of our
fitness classes.
This event is free, but we ask that
you RSVP if you plan to attend to The Summer Group Exercise Class Schedule
ensure adequate supplies. Join in on runs through September 30. You can join classes
this exciting event! at any point, but classes purchased must be used
during the Summer Group Class Schedule .