Page 2 - Weekly EVENTS FLYER 12 27 to 01 03
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Activities and Fitness Director, Meena Paluvai
         UPCOMING ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS                                    703-370-7092 *

           RACQUET CLUB CONTRACT TIME                                                              JOIN THE
                        Racquet Club contracts are now availa-                                  WATER PARTY!
                        ble  for  the  Winter  Contract  Season,                                      Friday,
                        which  runs  from  January  1  through                                  December 27, 2019
                        March 31. Remember, there is no guest                                    Indoor Pool  • Noon
                        fee for non-Watergate residents playing                                    Free to Attend
                        on contracts! Don’t miss out! Contact the                            Meet  Lauretta  Baylor  for
                        Racquet Club today for complete details!
                                                                                             some  aquatic  fun  in  our  In-
                                                                                             door Pool! The goal is to have
      PRO-FIT GROUP EXERCISE CLASS                                                           one  water  party  each  week.
               REFERRAL PROGRAM                                                              Don’t forget your swimwear!
      Refer  a  neighbor  or  loved  one  to  join  Pro-FIT’s
      group  exercise  program!  If  they  purchase  a  class     PERSONAL TRAINING
      pass, not only will they get a 35% discount, but you       Getting a personal trainer could be
      will receive two free classes as well!                     the  best  decision  for  your  health!
                                                                 Contact Meena for information on
                                                                 the various trainers on staff, each
         WINTER GROUP EXERCISE CLASSES                           trainer’s  qualifications  and  the
          Schedule runs from January 1 – March 31, 2020          packages available.
          Call 703-370-7092 to purchase your class pass today!

      Mondays - Pilates • 10:30 a.m. • Terrace Lounge                     GREEK NIGHT FEATURING
      Tuesdays - Chair Dance • 11 a.m. • Terrace Lounge
                      High Intensity Training • 6:30 p.m. • Terrace Lounge   GUITARIST RICH BARRY
      Wednesdays - Tone/Balance/Stretch • Noon  • Terrace Lounge                            Saturday, February 1, 2020
      Thursdays - Aqua Zumba • 7 p.m. • Indoor Pool                                          Dinner and Performance
      Saturdays - Yoga • 9 a.m. • Terrace Lounge                                                   Ticket: $45
                                                                                              Performance Only: $20

      Are you interested? Buy a class pass to use for any or all of                             Dinner: 6:30 p.m.
      our  fitness  classes. You  can  join  classes  at  any  point  during                    Performance: 8 p.m.
      the season. The Winter Group Exercise Class Schedule runs                            Be whisked away to the Medi-
      from January 1 – March 31, 2020. Passes purchased for the                            terranean for an evening of food
      Winter Exercise Schedule must be used by March 31, 2020.                             and  fun  at  this  elegant  casual
                                                                                           dress  event  sponsored  by  the
                                                                                           Social Committee! Enjoy Greek
               SMITHSONIAN MUSEUM OF                                                       cuisine prepared by Aldo’s Ital-
                    NATURAL HISTORY                                                        ian  Kitchen  and  afterward  be
                                           Thursday,                                       entertained  by  accomplished
                                        January 16, 2020                                   guitarist Rich Barry. It’s okay to
                                       9:30 a.m. Departure                                 BYOB, however, you alone are
                                           $10 Shuttle                                     responsible for such.
                                     This museum features the    Sign up in the Activities Office today with Meena! Early check
                                     recently  renovated  and    in will be in the Library from 1 – 2:30 p.m. on the day of the
                                     expanded  Koch  Hall  of    show. Doors open at 5:45 p.m.
                                     Fossils.  Visitors  travel
                                     through  ancient  ecosys-
      tems and get up close with about 700 specimen to include an    RACQUET CLUB GENERAL HOURS
      Alaskan palm tree, early insects, reptiles and mammals and                    Mon:  3 – 9 p.m.
      more. You can view the Hope Diamond in the Hall of Geology,             Tues: 10 a.m. – noon; 3 – 9 p.m.
      Gems and Minerals. We will have time to explore many of the               Wed and Thurs: 3 – 9 p.m.
      museum’s galleries before returning. Plan to get a bite to eat at            Fri : 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
      your expense in the museum’s dining areas. To receive a re-              Sat and Sun: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
      fund, cancellations must be no less than four business days prior
      to the trip. Don’t miss the sign-up and applicable waiting list   Please note the changes in this week’s Racquet Club’s hours

      deadlines. Contact the Activities Office for details.                located on the front of this week’s flyer.
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