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                        Unit & Topic            Function                      Sentence Patterns                                  Theme Words               Proverbs             Phonics              Song/Chant
                         單元與主題                                                         句型                                             生字                      諺語                  發音                  歌謠/韻文

                      What Are You  能詢問他人及回答自                     What are you doing?                                       eating breakfast            All work and               sh           Song:
                      Doing?              己正在進行的活動。               I’m watching TV.                                          eating lunch                no play makes                           What Are You Doing?
                      日常活動 (一)                                    What’s he doing?                                          eating dinner               Jack a dull boy.
                                                                  He’s sleeping.                                            studying
                                                                                                                            watching TV

                      Are You             能詢問他人及回答                Are you doing your homework?                              flying a kite               Don’t put off       ch         -tch     Song:
                      Riding a Bike?      自己是否正在進行                Yes‚ I am. I’m doing my homework.                         doing my homework           till tomorrow                           Are You Flying a Kite?
                 2    日常活動 (二)            某項活動。                   Is she flying a kite?                                     surfing the Internet        what you can
                                                                  No‚ she’s not. She’s swimming.                            swimming                    do today.
                                                                                                                            riding a bike
                 Review 1

                      How’s the           能詢問及回答他人天               How’s the weather?                                        sunny         rainy         Make hay                  wh-           Song:
                      Weather?            氣狀況與氣溫感受。               It’s sunny.                                               windy         cloudy        while the sun                           How’s the Weather?
                 3    天氣                                          Is it hot?                                                hot           warm          shines.
                                                                  Yes‚ it is. It’s hot.                                     cool          cold
                                                                  No‚ it’s not. It’s cold.

                      Do You Like         能詢問他人及回答自               Do you like apples?                                       apples        bananas       An apple a                 th           Chant:

                      Apples?             己對食物的喜好。                Yes‚ I do. I like apples.                                 oranges       eggs          day keeps the                           Do You Like
                  4   食物 (二)                                      Does he like hamburgers?                                  noodles       hamburgers    doctor away.                            Sandwiches?

                                                                  No‚ he doesn’t. He likes sandwiches.                      sandwiches

                      What Do             能詢問他人及回答自               What do you want to drink?                                tea           water         Every man has              ph           Song:
                      You Want to         己想吃的食物。                 I want some tea.                                          rice          pizza         his taste.                              What Do You Want?
                  5   Drink?                                      What does she want to eat?                                fish          chicken

                      食物 (三)                                      She wants some rice and fish.                             ice cream

                 Review 2
                      Moon Festival       認識中秋節相關活動               Happy Moon Festival!                                      make a pomelo hat                                                   Song:
                      中秋節                 及物品名稱。                  Look! A full moon.                                        have a barbecue                                                     It’s Moon Festival
                                                                  Let’s watch the moon and eat moon cakes.                  eat moon cakes

                                                                                                                            watch the moon
                  Culture &
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