Page 97 - SC5 SB
P. 97

Advanced Challenge

                     Unit      3
                                            CD1  81 ~ 85

                     I’m a big whale. My name is White.
                     I like wheat buns and red wine.

                     Which one do you like‚ my darling‚

                     Wheat buns or cake with whipped cream?

                                   which one  哪一個  darling  親愛的(人)  whipped cream  奶泡

                     Unit      4
                                            CD2  19 ~ 23

                     That is my brother. He is three.                         1+2=?

                     He has a big mouth and two teeth.

                     He likes to do math in a bath.

                     Father and Mother think he’s smart.

                                                 math  數學  bath  浴缸  think  認為  smart  聰明的

                     Unit      5
                                            CD2  46 ~ 50

                     My friend Sophie has two nephews.

                     One is Joseph; the other is Phil.

                     Joseph can play the saxophone.

                     Phil can play the xylophone.

                                                              saxophone  薩克斯風  xylophone  木琴                  85
   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102