Page 67 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 67                                                                                         Unit 6

        Listening | 1BSU                                        2  Work in pairs. Before you listen, read the multiple-
                                                                  choice questions 1–6 below and underline the main
        Exam information                                          idea in each question (but not in the options A–D).
         Listening Part 3                                            Mike painted the portrait in Emily’s home because
         t   is an interview or conversation between two or more    "  he wanted to include her things in the portrait.
           speakers                                                #  he wanted her to pose as naturally as possible.
         t   lasts about four minutes                              $  he believed it would help him understand her
         t   has six multiple-choice questions, each with four         personality.
           options.                                                % he prefers his subjects to choose the background.
         This part tests your ability to understand attitude and      How did Emily feel at the beginning of the process?
         opinion.                                                  "  unsure how she should pose
                                                                   #  uncomfortable with so much attention
                                                                   $  excited to be achieving a dream
        1  Work in pairs. You will hear an interview with Mike
          Byatt, a portrait painter, and his subject, actress      % impatient about the time it would take
          Emily Curran. Before you listen, look at these two         According to Mike, the main reason why people have
          portraits by other artists.                                their portrait painted is that
                                                                   "  portraits are more revealing than photos.
          t  In what ways is a portrait is different from a photo?
          t  Which of these portraits do you prefer? Why?          #  portraits are more decorative than photos.
                                                                   $  portraits indicate a person’s importance.
                                                                   % portraits stay with the family for many years.
                                                                     Why does Mike prefer painting portraits with the sitter
                                                                     in front of him?
                                                                   "  He can discuss the portrait with the sitter.
                                                                   #  He can observe the sitter’s moods and personality.
                                                                   $  He can achieve a more exact image.
                                                                   % He enjoys the sitter’s company.

                                                                     What surprised Emily about the experience?
                                                                   "  She had to concentrate.
                                                                   #  She sometimes annoyed the artist.
                                                                   $  She found it easy to stay still.
                                                                   % She was unhappy when it ended.

                                                                     Mike says the personality of the person he paints
                                                                   "  is revealed in a successful portrait.
           Helen Mirren CZ *TICFM .ZFSTDPVHI
                                                                   #  is mixed with the artist’s own in a portrait.
                                                                   $  is exaggerated in the fi nal result.
                                                                   % is interpreted by the portrait’s viewers.

                                                                3     16   Listen to the interview. For questions 1–6,
                                                                  choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which fi ts best
                                                                  according to what you hear.

                                                                4  Work in pairs.
                                                                  t  Would you prefer to have a painted portrait or a
                                                                     photograph of yourself in your house? Why?
                                                                  t  How big would it be and where would you put it?

          PD James CZ .JDIBFM 3 5BZMPS
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