Page 73 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 73                                                                                         Unit 6

        Speaking | 1BSU                                               2  Work in pairs.
                                                                           Which pair do you think deals with the task
        1     17 Work in pairs. Read the examiner’s instruction           better? Why?
          below and look at the task. Then listen to extracts from         How do you think each pair could improve their
          two pairs of students doing the task and tick the correct       performance?
          box for each question.
                                                                      3  You will get higher marks in the exam if you
                                                                        use advanced vocabulary appropriately when
             Now I’d like you to talk about something together          speaking. Work in pairs. In what context did
             for about two minutes. Here are some ways of               the candidates use each of these phrases? (You
             encouraging young people to spend more time                need not remember the exact words.)
             reading and a question for you to discuss. Talk to
                                                                           they give me pleasure
             each other about how successful each of these
                                                                           the high point of the week
             experiences might be in encouraging young
                                                                           made me determined
             people to read more for pleasure.
                                                                           I found it rather tedious
                                                                           communicate her enthusiasm
                                                                           out of obligation
          Seeing a fi lm                          Giving reading            get more involved
            of a book       How might these          prizes                get distracted
                              experiences                                  picked up a reading habit
                               encourage                                   just another chore
                             young people                             4  Work in pairs. Do the task in Exercise 1,
                            to read more for                            following the examiner’s instructions. Try to
                               pleasure?                                use some phrases from Exercise 3.
             Using                                Library visits
           interactive                           organised by         5  Work in pairs. Look at the examiner’s
            e-books            Reading a
                                                   the school
                                                                        instruction for the second part of Speaking
                             book together                              Part 3 and the list of strategies below. Then
                                in class                                decide together which strategies would be good
                                                                        for this part of the task. Write Yes or No for
          8IJDI QBJS                            1BJS "  1BJS #  #PUI    each strategy and give a reason.

             doesn’t start working on the task
             deals with each suggestion on the                             Now you have about a minute to decide
            task sheet in order?                                           which experience you think would be the
             spends a lot of time on one or two                            most successful in encouraging young
            suggestions, so probably won’t have                            people to read more.
            time for all of them?
             relates the suggestions to themselves                      4USBUFHJFT
            personally?                                                    Go over each of the options in turn again.
             shows most interest in their partner’s                       No. There isn’t time – you need to reach a decision in one
            reactions to the suggestions?                                 minute.
                                                                           Suggest an option, give a reason and ask your
                                                                          partner’s opinion.
                                                                           Agree with the fi rst option your partner suggests.
                                                                           Disagree with the fi rst option your partner
                                                                          suggests, give a reason, then suggest another
                                                                          option and give a reason.
                                                                           Agree with the fi rst option your partner suggests
                                                                          but then suggest an alternative and give a reason.
                                                                           Disagree with everything your partner says in
                                                                          order to fi ll the time.
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