Page 4 - Property Solutions Nov/Dec 2019
P. 4

Steven Giffney 0418 511 462
        Seven Hills  Greg Lehrer 0407 258 443            Smithfield        Vince Surace 0409 316 000

         •   195 sqm Warehouse                           •  1,235 sqm Bldg space + Yard/Car park
         •   139 sqm warehouse 56 sqm new                •  Close proximity to Cumberland
             mezzanine office                               Highway
         •   3 onsite car parking spaces                 •  Negotiable lease terms and conditions

                                                                           Jason Andreou 0416 267 610
                                                                           Jason Andreou 0416 267 610
         Smithfield  Vince Surace 0409 316 000           Seven Hills    Jason Andreou 0416 267 610
                                                                           Greg Lehrer 0407 258 443
                                                                        Greg Lehrer 0407 258 443
         •  Land 2,528 sqm Industrial                      •   211 sqm high profile location
         •  Within close proximity to Cumberland           •   1  floor office carpeted and a/c
            Highway                                        •   1 roller shutter door
         •  Sale opportunity exists to develop this        •   3 onsite car spaces

    LJ Hooker Commercial Parramatta    LJ Hooker Commercial Blacktown      LJ Hooker Commercial North West
    13 Daking Street                   Unit 6, 51 Owen Street              1A/7-13 Victoria  Avenue

    North Parramatta  NSW  2151        Glendenning  NSW  2761              Castle Hill  NSW  2154
    p (02) 9687 5588  f (02) 9687 5500   p (02) 9622 8111  f (02) 9675 1780   p (02) 8814 1588   f (02) 8814 1577
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