Page 7 - Wound Care at End of Life Content: A Guide for Hospice Professionals - DEMO
P. 7
BUILDing the Goals of Care
Developing Goals of Care Using the BUILD Model
Component Description Key Conversation Points & Phrases
“Thank you for talking with me today”
BUILD the “I appreciate you sharing your thoughts with me”
Build trust and respect
foundation “This must be very difficult for you”
“Are you ready to talk about this?”
“What are you hoping hospice can do for you?”
“Help me understand what you’d like to see happen”
Understand how the
UNDERSTAND “I want to make sure we’re on the same page”
wound impacts the
the patient “How can I be of help today?”
patient and family
“Tell me what you understand about your wound right
Provide information on Wound treatment risks and benefits
wound treatment and Disease progression
expected outcomes Role of the hospice team members
Listen as the patient “How is this wound impacting your quality of life?”
LISTEN to the shares wound care goals; “How is wound care impacting your quality of life?”
patient use active listening “Tell me what you are noticing about your wound”
techniques “What wound treatments have or have not been helpful?”
Develop a plan of care Negotiate treatment plan
DEVELOP a plan including the patient, “This is a process, not an event”
with the family, hospice, and Acknowledge the patient/family as decision‐makers
patient patient’s circle of Agree to disagree
caregivers Revisit the topic on an ongoing basis