Page 7 - Wound Care at End of Life Content: A Guide for Hospice Professionals - DEMO
P. 7

BUILDing the Goals of Care

            Developing Goals of Care Using the BUILD  Model
            Component         Description               Key Conversation Points & Phrases
                                                            “Thank you for talking with me today”
            BUILD the                                       “I appreciate you sharing your thoughts with me”
                              Build trust and respect
            foundation                                      “This must be very difficult for you”
                                                            “Are you ready to talk about this?”
                                                            “What are you hoping hospice can do for you?”
                                                            “Help me understand what you’d like to see happen”
                              Understand how the
            UNDERSTAND                                      “I want to make sure we’re on the same page”
                              wound impacts the
            the patient                                     “How can I be of help today?”
                              patient and family
                                                            “Tell me what you understand about your wound right
                              Provide information on        Wound treatment risks and benefits
            INFORM the
                              wound treatment and           Disease progression
                              expected outcomes             Role of the hospice team members
                              Listen as the patient         “How is this wound impacting your quality of life?”
            LISTEN to the     shares wound care goals;      “How is wound care impacting your quality of life?”
            patient           use active listening          “Tell me what you are noticing about your wound”
                              techniques                    “What wound treatments have or have not been helpful?”
                              Develop a plan of care        Negotiate treatment plan
            DEVELOP a plan  including the patient,          “This is a process, not an event”
            with the          family, hospice, and          Acknowledge the patient/family as decision‐makers
            patient           patient’s circle of           Agree to disagree
                              caregivers                    Revisit the topic on an ongoing basis

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