Page 185 - Morgan_2_13
P. 185
Juno, 12, 1911.
Dear Papa:
Hal your favor of recent late in regard to the P. 0.
matter and I guess I will call Jenson tonight and have him come
over in the morning and see if I can bring him across on the
natter of getting von $9000#0C for your property. 2hc.ll follow
your instructions as best I can.
In the matter of the express package, will say that
the best storage price I can get on these boxos is One Dollars
per month. What do you think best to do?
. ! *
I had a phono message from a young lady, Addie
Pinnick this morning. I used to know her at Horman. She has a
brother on board the Battleship Maryland off Bah Pranoieco,
Gal, whose time is out in Dec. of this year. His father is very
sick and they wan£ Him hone. I toll her to -..rite to you in detail
about the matter and felt sure that you would do what yog
Guess this is all as it is getting late, and I am anxious
to pot home. Received yours and mama’s letter this morning.
V: ill answer it Sunday-
Your son,