Page 206 - Morgan_2_13
P. 206

Juno, 10, 1911.
                                Dear Papa*
                                     Enclosed herewith yon will find letter this day
                                received from Jenson and ITewland', which is self explanatory.
                                They hinted to me when I was over feus there that they might want
                                to call upon you for some contribution and I told them that it
                                seemed to me that you had done enough in the matter, that others
                                who have property near there would or should attend to that part
                                of the matter without any contribution from you. And it does seem
                                to me that it would be very inconsistent in you to contribute
                                to them, for in fact they are the parties who are the most in-«
                                terested in the deal.   But I guess you will handle it all 0. '<•.
                                without my butting in.   I now understand your telegram,
                                but it does seem to mo the way things are there that if you
                                should have an opportunity to sell at Dino to r^en Thousand
                                Dollars that it vould be a good tine to let go. The prospective
                                value will be greatest now than for several years to come, that is
                                the prospective value not; will be as great as the actual value will
                                be after the P. 0. building is up.
                                    Guess this is all, except the Weather Dept. says that it
                                is 106 degrees, which is going some, don*t you think?
                                    I remain,
                                        Your loving son,
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