Page 66 - Southern Oregon Magazine Spring 2018
P. 66
the good life | staycation
Ashland Hills Hotel
water in each bungalow is such a gift to everyone. Grandma Aggie, of the original light fixtures were intact. She decided to keep the
Coyote Marie and several other medicine women came and blessed the retro appeal, especially when she noted the blue and orange bathroom
water in a special ceremony a couple years ago.” themes near the Stardust Lounge. These became the signature colors to
enhance the mid-70s look and create a visual statement.
The property offers privacy, an English Garden setting, and a Fitness
Cottage nestled behind the Spa Bungalows. Guests can enjoy the saline In addition to the original lighting throughout, Becky took special
water swimming pool, sauna and a branch of Waterstone Spa onsite for interest in restoring some of the bathrooms including the pink
massages and more. bathroom in the Champagne Suite. About the time they were planning
to renovate, Becky read an article about saving the pink bathroom that
Local wine baskets can also be arranged and are recommended for paid tribute to “Mamie Pink,” the hue that Mamie Eisenhower made
private picnics in your room or on the charming grounds. Weddings popular starting in the 50s and carrying through to the mid-70s. When
are often held in the English Garden area, and I personally witnessed you step into the Champagne Suite and experience the master bath
one of the most spectacular celebrations ever on this property. you’ll see for yourself that she made the right choice. This suite is a
true statement and a tribute to the past.
My stay here was relaxing and nourishing. I took full advantage of the
healing waters and can attest to the fact that they are rejuvenating. Luna Café caries on the Larks tradition and offers farm-to-counter
fare, including local beer and wine. A photo booth with props is tucked
ASHLAND HILLS HOTEL in the corner of Luna Café and provides endless enjoyment and lasting
memories for those who chose to play. The Mercantile, also known as
At first blush Becky wasn’t sure what design direction she would take The Oregon Wine Shop, boasts local wine and fun gifts.
with Ashland Hills. As she explored the property she noted that many
64 | spring 2018