Page 98 - Golfing Southern California Magazine 2022
P. 98

Nevada | Mesquite & St. George                                                             TRAVEL

                                      Wolf Creek Golf Club                403 Paradise Parkway, Mesquite, NV
                                                                          866-252-4653  |

            ltimate  means  something  different  to  delicate desert landscape.  Creek  was  featured  on  Barstool  Sports,
        Ueveryone, but Wolf Creek is really that  Just one hour from Las Vegas, Wolf Creek  Cleveland Golf’s national campaign, and
        something for everyone. It is just that special.  features  stunning  360-degree  views,  more  Yamaha’s national campaign this past year.
        Golfers all over the globe travel to  Wolf  elevation  changes  than  you  can  count,  Guests  frequently  use  these  phrases  in
        Creek for the one-of-a-kind views, fantastic  and lush green fairways amidst red rock  referencing  Wolf  Creek:  The  8th  wonder
        playing conditions, service levels, elevation  mountains. One-of-a-kind landscapes, multi-  of the world,  a  bucket list course for sure,
        changes, and crazy-good golf that provides  color aesthetics, shot value, and terrain  extraordinary golf experience. Simply stated,
        possibly the most unique experience in the  changes from start to finish make this high  Wolf Creek is like no other golf course in the
        world. Fans of  Wolf Creek are vocal and  caliber course challenging while fun at the  country. So make sure to include this amazing
        enthusiastic in their support, as well as loyal.  same time.  As you navigate the elevation  course in your travel plans to Nevada, you
                                            drops and wandering canyons, you wonder  won’t be disappointed.
        Like  several  other  unique  and  wonderful  how they created this miraculous golf course,
        world-class golf courses, Wolf Creek is what  each hole unto its own. After finishing all 18  Wolf Creek Vacations has teamed up with the
        is call a once-in-a-lifetime golf course—must  holes, you are hard pressed to come up with  recently renovated Eureka Casino Resort in
        be played at least once by all who love the  just one signature hole and more often than  Mesquite to offer complete vacation packages
        game. It is a round of golf you won’t forget.  not are amazed with the picturesque beauty  that can include poolside garden patio rooms
        Wolf Creek winds up and down, through  of the course rather than the score you shot.  or  two-bedroom  suites  with  luxury  private
        and around, among and over some of the                                   spas. Explore your frontiers this season with
        prettiest desert canyons anywhere. Everyone  Upon  opening  in  2000,  Wolf  Creek  began  a Wolf Creek getaway adventure.
        will surely appreciate the masterful job of  amassing awards,  including Golf Digest’s
        inserting  this  challenging  course  into  the  number one public course in the U.S. Wolf

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