P. 102



       WOLF CREEK GOLF CLUB CONT...    |                403 Paradise Parkway, Mesquite, NV 89027
                                                        866-252-4653  |

        experience of playing at Wolf Creek. As a result of   Wolf Creek continues to be showered with state
        its popularity with players for its beauty, allure and   and national accolades for delivering the ultimate
        playability, Wolf Creek Golf Club was voted the   golf experience. Guests frequently use these
        number one public golf course in the United States.”   phrases in referencing Wolf Creek: The 8th wonder
        Wolf Creek faced off with the top public golf courses   of the world, a bucket list course, extraordinary golf
        in the United States through a Golf Digest Facebook   experience. Simply stated, Wolf Creek is like no
        contest, pitting 64 of the top 100 U.S. public courses   other golf course in the country. Dazzling views
        against each other in a March Madness style   and breathtaking scenery aren’t the only reasons
        tournament, and came out on top.     to tee it up at Wolf Creek Golf Club in Mesquite,
                                             Nevada. In early 2014, they completed a major
        In 2008, Wolf Creek was selected by EA Sports to   sod renovation to their putting surfaces, which add
        be one of the few courses featured on the Tiger   another dimension to one of the most memorable
        Woods video game. In 2001, the USGA named Wolf   rounds you will ever play.
        Creek  the  3rd  most  difficult  golf  course.  In  2003,
        Wolf Creek was honored as America’s Best Modern
        Course by Golfweek Magazine. And the list goes on
        and on!

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