Page 49 - Southern Oregon Magazine Summer 2021
P. 49

                                                                    HEART IS.
          CATHY: All my siblings were in education. I swore I would never
          go into education. But, one of our faculty members at the university  CATHY: I was one of those students. I know how wonderful it was to
          associated with my research had a heart attack. I took over one of  have a college that actually cared about me. I was really ill my sopho-
          his classes and realized I loved teaching. When the grant ended, my  more year of college and was out for an extended period of time. The
          husband and I moved to Texas. I went to the local community college   dean of the department came and visited me in the hospital. That would
          to see if there might be a teaching position. I started teaching part-  never have happened in my university. She told me, “When you’re out
          time while my kids were little. Three months into a full-time job, my  of the hospital, you come directly to my office. Don’t go anywhere
          dean asked me if I would be interested in teaching environmental  else. Just come see me.” And I did. She had talked to all my instructors
          field courses. When I was a student field courses cinched biology for  and had arranged a make-up schedule for me. She figured out a leave
          me. This was a dream come true. I taught two field courses every  of absence at work so that I could really concentrate on finishing my
          summer for seven years. We traveled to Rocky Mountain and Buffalo   coursework. And she found me a scholarship. She was determined that
          River Natural Parks, and Monteverde in Costa Rica. It was great. It  I was going to graduate. It was pretty amazing. And now I get to pay
          was fun to see how life-changing it was for those students, just like it  that forward.
          had been for me.
                                                                    Q: WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED ABOUT SOUTHERN
          While teaching I knew there was something else that I was meant   OREGON IN YOUR TIME HERE?
          to do. Our college invited Dr. John Roueche from the Community
          College Leadership Program at The University of Texas to speak. I   CATHY: Wow! People seem much more in tune with the environ-
          knew the second I heard him, “I’m getting in this program, earning  ment here, because it is so beautiful. People choose to be here because
          my doctorate and I’m moving into leadership.” And I did. Three years  of the surroundings. Some of the smaller towns in Southern Oregon
          later, I had my doctorate and moved into college administration. It’s   are very much like where I grew up. We lived in Grants Pass when we
          been awesome.                                             first moved here. And Grants Pass is very similar to my hometown.

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