Page 59 - Southern Oregon Magazine Summer 2021
P. 59
Five new pianos are located at Sugarman’s Corner Park, Plaza Park, fields. In addition to upgraded playground equipment, one of those
Klamath Commons Park, Veterans Memorial Park and the Klamath neighborhood parks, Kit Carson, is adding a dog park, The smallest parks
County Courthouse courtyard. Scattered through town are decora- are pocket parks, areas an acre or less in size with open spaces, picnic
tive pianos with themes celebrating Crater Lake, Music is Life, and tables and benches.
Bellon and others involved with Klamath Falls area parks are proud of the
Bellon credits partnerships with a range of groups and individuals for parks and their multiple offerings. “We want to encourage healthy life-
creating and maintaining the ensemble of parks, including the Sky styles,” he emphasizes. “Our parks do that.” “They’re increasing livability
Lakes Medical Center, Klamath Downtown Association, Klamath Trails in our community,” believes Westfall. “I feel like we attract a lot of differ-
Association, Healthy Klamath, Cascade Health Alliance, many busi- ent users,” says Blake. “We do want them to be well used. We do want to
nesses and the neighboring Wiard Park District and Steen Sports Park make the parks welcoming places. I think we’re doing that.”
“Sometimes, it feels like the parks are unappreciated because it’s easy
to take them for granted,” Bellon says. “But when needed, people and
organizations step up to maintain and improve the parks we have and
generate ideas for new uses and new parks.”
Bellon notes the city categorizes its 26 parks by size and use. Moore Park
and Steen Sports Park are destination parks while the Redkey pool and
boat ramps are special use parks. He defines community parks as having
features that draw people from around the city that can be used for com-
munity-wide events or a variety of recreational activities. Neighborhood
parks are “close-to-home” areas, usually within a half-mile of a specific
neighborhood with playgrounds, outdoor sports courts and open grass
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