Page 40 - LVGL Winter 2021 FLIPBOOK_Neat
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        was impressed with the expansiveness of Reflection Bay,”   Senior Open events. The duo work well together and also
        Lytle says. “I couldn’t believe there was a 4-hole practice   have a teaching skillset not many others have—the expe-
        facility available to the membership. What a great idea   rience of playing at the highest level and under the most
        that is. I have not seen anything like it in Canada. To be   extreme pressure. “We both have a lot more to offer our stu-
        able to chip and hit short game shots to a spacious undu-  dents than the typical golf academy,” Gallagher says. “We
        lating green is a golf professional’s dream. And to play full   teach our students how to be more than just a tournament
        holes with students, and walk and teach in the quietness of   player. We teach them how to become champions and how
        Reflection Bay is pure paradise. I love the practice facility   to play high-level golf tournaments.”
        and think it is one of the best I have seen in North America.”
                                                               But their expertise isn’t solely reserved for the top talent.
        While visiting academies can only take advantage of    They also take pride in working with recreational golfers to
        Reflection Bay while they are in session, pros Barlow and   improve their games. Kenny Atcheson, author of Marketing
        Gallagher get to take advantage of it on a daily basis. That   Battleground, is a Reflection Bay member and institute stu-
        access has translated into a lot of success for their students,   dent. “I've wanted to do more than just play golf; I wanted to
        which includes recent prestigious victories. Michael Sarro   get better,” Atcheson says. “I was stuck at a certain level and
        won the 2020 Nevada State Amateur and Morgan Goldstein   the HPGI side has made the difference for me. Getting fit-
        won the 2020 Women’s Nevada State Amateur, the two top   ted for all clubs has also made an enormous improvement.
        amateur golf tournaments in Nevada. Sarro works with   Master Club Fitter Brendan Bergin knows what he is doing
        Barlow, while Goldstein works with Gallagher.          and he takes the time to make sure I have the right club,
                                                               shaft, lie angle, loft—basically whatever is needed. I have
        Barlow made more than 170 cuts on the PGA Tour dur-    shaved strokes off and also have alleviated physical pain.
        ing his career and played in six major championships.   Some of that has come from equipment adjustments and
        Gallagher is a previous champion on what is now known as   some from taking lessons with Craig Barlow. Just because
        the Korn Ferry Tour and has also competed in recent U.S.   someone played on the actual PGA Tour doesn’t mean they

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