Page 58 - Las Vegas Golf & Leisure Magazine Spring 2020
P. 58


        NFL went together about as well as the roll of seven at a   a Las Vegas Sun article.
        loaded craps table when the point is four. It seemed to be an
        unbreakable stance, but slowly the stance began to lessen.  The Sun article detailed the information and details
                                                               Bernhard provided. The research included statistics about
        Working behind the scenes was former Raiders player and   criminology and explained the types of trouble NFL play-
        Las Vegas resident Napoleon McCallum, who was bringing   ers could get into in Las Vegas and what safeguards exist
        together a lot of key people and pieces to move things for-  to prevent that from happening. He explained Nevada’s
        ward. The seed of Las Vegas was firmly planted into Davis’   gaming regulatory system and how there are numerous
        mind on the field of the Oakland Alameda Coliseum prior   agencies that address problem gambling issues. He also
        to a game, and McCallum was in a unique position to bring   included ideas from sociology professors and representa-
        various groups together to make it happen. McCallum was   tives from the Boyd School of Law to make his case. From
        the director of community affairs for the Venetian and told   that point on, the momentum surged and the reality started
        Davis that he could set up key meetings with UNLV lead-  becoming nearly a foregone conclusion.
        ership, and Venetian/Sands billionaire Sheldon Adelson.
        McCallum was true to his word and set everything in    Armed with the information that Davis and his team were
        motion through several secret meetings between vari-   serious about moving to Las Vegas, then Nevada Governor
        ous parties. He also established a relationship with UNLV   Brian Sandoval began working with many stakeholders to
        International Gaming Institute Executive Director Bo   get Senate Bill 1 passed into law, which would guarantee
        Bernhard, who became a key figure in helping to convince   the Raiders the $750 million to build a stadium. He signed
        the National Football League owners to allow the Raiders a   the bill in October 2016, knowing in his heart that the tim-
        Las Vegas move. McCallum had been in Bernhard’s class   ing was right for Las Vegas, which had also recently become
        and approached him about assisting.                    the home of the National Hockey League’s Vegas Golden
                                                               Knights. “Las Vegas is ready for this. Nevada is ready for
        “Mark Davis said, ‘Napoleon says you have all the answers.   this,” Sandoval said shortly after the ink was dry on the bill.
        Could you put all of that in a big, fat academic report with   “The best brand on the planet is coming together with one
        your university stamp on it?’ And I said, ‘Sir, I’m an aca-  of the best brands in professional sports. It is truly one of
        demic. That I can do. I can write reports,’” Bernhard said in   those situations where 1+1=3.”

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