Page 90 - Las Vegas Golf & Leisure Magazine Spring 2020
P. 90


        New features, new lighting, and new equipment have all   manager, a landscape architect, and 17 in-house landscap-
        changed the business over the past few decades. After   ers as well as salespeople, an accountant, a scheduler,
        years of building, ideas are easier to implement, which in   and of course, father and son. The entire process revolves
        turn makes it easier to become more creative.          around the client, with the goal of bringing the homeown-
                                                               ers' dreams to life, from a 3D presentation to the final result.
        As their name states, almost every project Poolscapes takes
        on involves a pool. And that is where the fun is, creating
        an oasis in a client’s backyard through landscaping and an
        amazing  pool.  Poolscapes  was  one  of  the  few  companies
        able to stay in business through the recession, thanks to
        a varied clientele. Retired individuals and couples stayed
        strong, continuing to create their dream retirement home,
        regardless of the downturn in the economy. Without wor-
        rying about resale, their dreams of a backyard oasis didn’t
        seem to waver. Today, Poolscapes has seen a large influx of
        young entrepreneurs moving to Las Vegas from California.   Poolscapes, LLC
        And they too, want to create their own oasis in the desert.   9340 S. Eastern Avenue, Suite 102 Las Vegas
        The Poolscapes team consists of field managers, a project

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