Page 84 - GPS 2021_FLIP BOOK_Neat
P. 84

Regional Trips                                                            OREGON

                            THE RESORT AT RUNNING Y RANCH                          5500 Running Y Rd., Klamath Falls OR
                                                                                   541-850-5500  |
          ccording to Golf Advisor’s 2017 ratings,  lakes, winds through woodlands, crisscrosses  horseback riding May through September,
      Athe course at Running Y comes in number  Payne  Canyon,  and  offers  Scottish-style  weather permitting .
      two of about 180 signature  Arnold Palmer  mounding on the final holes.
      courses in the world and is his only course in                             Offsite,  the  region  offers  myriad  adventures,
      Oregon . When Palmer played there, he said,  Onsite opportunities abound . From bike and  including hiking and biking trails,  Tule
      "The Running Y Ranch Golf Course showcases  walking trails, to a fitness gym, to Sandhill Spa  Lake National Monument (site of a  WWII
      the spectacular natural landscape of Oregon’s  to the Sports Center with volleyball, pickleball,  internment camp), Crater Lake National Park,
      beautiful unspoiled outback . …you will  and basketball courts and horseshoe pits,  Crater Lake Zipline, Favell Museum, Lava
      play beside lakes, woodlands and into Payne  you’ll find no excuse to avoid exercise, indoors  Beds National Monument, Lake of the Woods
      Canyon on the back ." Golfers from around the  or  out.  Roe  Outfitters  stands  ready  to  book  and other mountain lakes . In nearby Klamath
      world travel to play the course, one of Palmer’s  kayaking, canoeing, hunting, boating, fishing,  Falls you will enjoy cultural venues, historic
      “Sweet 16 .”  With more than 300 days of  and snowshoeing outings. Birding expeditions,  sights, festivals, dining opportunities and more .
      sunshine a year, you’re unlikely to be rained  too—last year, a white-headed woodpecker
      out .  The challenging course wraps around  was  spotted .  Reservations  can  be  made  for

                              CENTENNIAL GOLF CLUB                    1900 N. Phoenix Rd., Medford OR
                                                                      877-893-4653  |

          he best of Southern Oregon golf is on  Total course yardage ranges from 5,244 yards  for weddings and events .  With full-service
      Tdisplay at Centennial Golf Cub, which  to  over  7,300  yards,  offering  players  of  all  amenities, including catering and multiple
      opened in 2006 to rave reviews by players and  abilities a fair test of golf . To many, the 452-  venue  options,  the  ideal  weather  that  often
      golf publications alike . Located in Medford, the  yard  par-4  3rd  is  regarded  as  the  facility’s  blesses the Rogue Valley year-round make a
      course was designed by two-time PGA TOUR  signature hole .  Well-bunkered and playing  destination to Centennial Golf Club definitely
      winner, and native Oregonian, John Fought .  uphill to a challenging green complex, the hole  worth the trip .
      Centennial  Golf  Club  is  a  traditional  links-  is one of the most difficult tests in the region.
      style layout, with rolling hills offering scenic
      views and capturing vistas of the surrounding  In addition to great golf, Centennial has
      mountains in all directions .         also become a popular regional location

        82                              WWW.GOLFINGPALMSPRINGSMAGAZINE.COM
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