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          ocated in the heart of Reno, The Row boasts 25 restaurants, 22 bars and lounges, 11 nightspots, and thousands of luxury rooms and suites .
      L It is Reno’s ultimate destination and consists of Silver Legacy Resort Casino, Circus Circus Hotel Casino Resort, and Eldorado Hotel Casino .

         407 N Virginia St., Reno, NV |  800-687-8733  500 N Sierra St., Reno, NV |  800-648-5010  345 N Virginia St., Reno, NV |  800-879-8879

      Located in the heart of downtown Reno,  The Circus Circus Hotel Casino in Reno has  A luxurious option that gives you little reason
      Silver Legacy Resort Casino offers amenities  recently enjoyed a total renovation . The skyline of  to leave your hotel, other than to make that
      and attractions for the perfect vacation  Reno has been brought back to life when the towers  tee time of course, is the Eldorado Hotel and
      getaway .  Towering above downtown as the  at Circus Circus were lit up with the latest in LED  Casino . The Eldorado is located in the heart of
      tallest casino hotel, spacious guest rooms and  lighting  technology .  Embracing  a  playful  design  downtown Reno, just minutes from the Reno
      suites offer grand views of the city skyline and  aesthetic, guestrooms at Circus Circus Reno were  International  Airport .  The 814 rooms and
      mountains.  Big-name  entertainment,  seven  completely remodeled with inspiration from “The  suites (217 of which have been recently been
      award-winning restaurants, seven shops and  Greatest Show on Earth .” From alluring carpets with  refurbished) are spacious, feature generous
      boutiques, outdoor pool, health spa, state-of-  splatters of bright colors to graphic wall sets that  sitting areas, contemporary furniture, and high-
      the  art  fitness  center,  and  a  beautiful  high-  display Reno street scenes and neon signs, every  speed wireless Internet access . Room options
      ceiling casino make Silver Legacy a great  inch of the rooms pay homage to the liveliness of the  range from the well-appointed standard room
      choice for a hotel with modern amenities and  city . The contemporary rooms, which also feature  to the player spa suite . Some options include
      friendly, impeccable service .        newly redesigned bathrooms, provide a modern  in-room bars, hot tubs or Jacuzzis and even
                                            and whimsical place away from home suitable for  pop up televisions at the foot of your bed .
      Silver Legacy is connected via walkways to  business or pleasure .
      the Eldorado Resort Casino and Circus Circus                               Gym 52 at the Eldorado is a great way to burn
      Reno, and is within walking distance of ACES  Fun for adults and kids alike, the midway has been  off extra calories consumed the night before!
      ballpark, the  Truckee River, and dozens of  reinvented; transformed from a traditional American  During the warmer months relax at the outdoor
      restaurants and performance venues .  circus vibe to a more whimsical European feel .  pool  and  Jacuzzi.  The  Eldorado  also  offers
                                            Featuring a variety of performers, entertainment and  unique shopping boutiques that carry a wide
                                            games of chance, the venue will create a new sense  variety of items .
                                            of wonder by highlighting the clowns, acrobats, and
                                            artists at its epicenter . In addition, the all-new XP  Experience a world of dining with nine award
                                            Arcade and Blast Bar opened as an expansion to the  winning Reno restaurants . For an unforgettable
                                            entertainment fun for all ages .     dining experience visit Roxy, the Eldorado
                                                                                 Hotel Casino’s award winning bistro . Located
                                            New carpet was installed throughout the entire  on the patio of Roxy restaurant overlooking
                                            casino floor adding to the refreshed, modern look  the  magnificent  Plaza  Fountain,  Sushi  Sake
                                            and feel of the resort . The existing exterior Circus  is perfect for unleashing your sushi desires
                                            tent roof was refurbished, providing a vibrant and  and for people watching .  The Prime Rib
                                            welcoming entry space . The Circus Circus Race and  Grill specializes in USDA Choice prime rib
                                            Sports Book (also a William Hill design) underwent  carved to order and grilled steak and seafood
                                            renovations including upgraded sports viewing with  entrées. After dinner enjoy a Broadway-style
                                            state-of-the-art big screen TVs and a new sports bar  production in the opulent Eldorado Showroom
                                            and lounge .                         or  heat  things  up  at  BuBinga  Lounge,  The
                                                                                 Brew  Brothers  and  many  other  spectacular
                                                                                 bars and lounges .

                                                2021 GOLFING PALM SPRINGS                                         89
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