Page 53 - Oregon Golf and Travel 2021
P. 53


                        Bandon Dunes Sheep Ranch                                                               COAST

                                       region: Oregon Coast  |  course type: Public

           he legendary Sheep Ranch has long held  Etched along a spectacular mile of oceanfront  original Sheep Ranch was for many years a
        Ta  special  place  in  Bandon  Dunes  lore.  on Five Mile Point, the Sheep Ranch presented  mysterious  golf  landscape  set  just  north  of
        And  in  2020  when  Sheep  Ranch  opened,  the designers some unique opportunities. And  Old  MacDonald  and  Pacific  Dunes.  Easily
        Bandon  Dunes  added  a  new  page  to  their  Coore and Crenshaw made the most of the  seen, but not often played.
        stunning golf repertoire.           stunning geography. The Sheep Ranch offers
                                            views of the Pacific Ocean on every hole, a   When the Sheep Ranch opened in the middle
        Bill  Coore  and  Ben  Crenshaw  —  the   first among Bandon Dunes designs. And nine   of 2020, that changed forever. And Bandon
        incomparable  team  that  designed  Bandon   holes  are  set  directly  on  the  coastline,  the   Dunes once again made good on its promise
        Trails  and  The  Preserve  —  returned  to   most of any Bandon Dunes golf course.  to showcase “Golf as it was Meant to Be.”
        Bandon Dunes to breathe new life into the
        Sheep Ranch. The result is a par-72, 6,636-  It is the newest and best chapter in the Sheep   But words can only do the Sheep Ranch so
        yard, 18-hole design that offers perhaps the  Ranch, which has long been one of Bandon   much justice. So only one question remains
        most dramatic Bandon Dunes setting yet.   Dunes’  most  compelling  tales.  Co-founded   …  when  are  you  going  to  experience  the
                                            by  Phil  Friedmann  and  Mike  Keiser,  the   Sheep Ranch for yourself?
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