Page 111 - Golfing Palm Springs Magazine 2022
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A Golf and Recreation Paradise

           ith a variety of terrain and climates, an abundance of majestic scenery and   lowlands, the variety of golf is truly stunning . Here are a few recommendations,
      Wsome of the finest courses to be found anywhere, Oregon has developed   courtesy of  our  sister  publication  Golfing  Oregon  Magazine,  for  your  next
      a firm grip as one of the top golf destinations in the country. From the high   trip to the Beaver State, also known as a Pacific wonderland. Visit us at www.
      desert in the central part of the state to the lush Willamette Valley to the coastal and order your free copy today!

                                       PRONGHORN               65600 Pronghorn Club Dr., Bend OR
                                                               877-214-4797  |

         erhaps no other facility has had a greater  The Nicklaus Signature Course was the first to  The Fazio Championship Course is available
      Pimpact on the Central Oregon golf  open in 2004, with the Tom Fazio Championship  for play as a guest of a member or on limited
      community over the past ten years than  Course following in 2006 . Voted #6 in Golf  reciprocal request . Immaculate maintenance,
      Pronghorn Resort . Opened in 2004, the  Digest’s “The Best Golf Courses in Oregon  and a minimalist approach to the design, gives
      property features two world-class golf courses,  for 2018,” the Nicklaus Signature Course is  the golfer a sense that the natural surrounds and
      fine  dining,  spa  services,  and  overnight  available for play to the public as well as to  landscaping remain largely untouched . Though
      amenities that make it an ideal destination for  resort guests . The more challenging of the two  the Fazio Championship Course is a bit more
      the avid golfer . The high desert backdrop will  tracks, the Jack Nicklaus Signature Course has  player friendly, with both courses immaculate
      appeal to both the links lover and the outdoor  been selected more than once by the USGA to  conditioning and unwavering attention to detail
      enthusiast, as skiing, biking, and fishing can be  host US Open qualifying events .  are a hallmark of the Pronghorn experience .
      found within minutes of the facility .

                                        WILDHORSE             46510 Wildhorse Blvd., Pendleton OR
                                                              800-654-9453  |

           ildhorse Resort & Casino is not far  of the surrounding Blue Mountains puts a  to any golfer .
      Wfrom several large cities, and well  golfer at peace .                    Wildhorse Resort  boasts a  10-story luxury
      worth the drive!                                                           hotel  with  over 300  rooms .  The resort
                                            The course is dotted with five lakes and 66  amenities will keep any visitor entertained for
      The  home  to  acclaimed  Wildhorse  Golf  sandy bunkers, and can play challenging  days, including a vast array of dining options,
      Course,  Wildhorse Resort & Casino is  enough to host championships where the  a state-of-the-art 3D Cineplex, indoor
      centrally located in Pendleton, Oregon—  Pacific  Northwest’s  best  golfers  compete.  swimming pool and massive 20,000-square-
      between the bigger cities of Portland,  Wildhorse is modeled after  the traditional  foot  gaming  floor.  Wildhorse  is  also  well
      Spokane, and Boise . Nestled on a gorgeous  Scottish style links with deep bunkers and tall  suited to  host  large  outings or  a  simple
      high desert plateau in Pendleton, the par 72  fescue grass. With five sets of tees, including  weekend  getaway .  Known for  its mild  fall
      gem  offers  7,112  spectacularly  manicured  new  forward  tees  that  play  around  5,100  and spring weather, Eastern Oregon enjoys
      yards .  This oasis with panoramic views  yards, Wildhorse is player friendly and caters  300 days of sunshine .

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