Page 99 - Golfing Palm Springs Magazine 2022
P. 99

EDGEWOOD TAHOE                  180 Lake Pkwy, Stateline, NV
                                                           833-294-6844  |

            esigned by George Fazio and opened in  also known to have an award-winning luxury  the entire itinerary of activities including beach
        D1968, Edgewood Tahoe is rated by Golf  lodge for a full resort experience .   & lawn games, clear kayak tours, parasailing,
         Digest Magazine as one of “America’s  Top                                 fishing charters, and rentals of boats, jetskis,
         Golf Courses .” Challenging yet fair, this course  Nestled on the shores of South Lake Tahoe,  kayaks, stand up paddleboards, bicycles, and
         offers  a  choice  of  four  sets  of  tees,  ranging  the Lodge at Edgewood  Tahoe boasts 154  more!
         in length from 5,567 yards to a demanding  luxurious rooms and suites, each with its own
         7,529, providing a suitable test for golfers of  gas fireplace, deck or terrace, soaking tub, and  Lake Tahoe was not merely meant to be visited;
         all skill levels . Throughout its storied history,  walk-in shower . Enjoy stunning views of the  it was meant to be experienced .  Whether
         Edgewood Tahoe has played host to a variety  lake and surrounding mountains, all from the  you’re hoping to spend your days improving
         of major golf events . Most notably, Edgewood  comforts of your own paradise .   your handicap  on the iconic emerald-green
         Tahoe has been the home of the  American                                  golf course, or simply want to awaken your
         Century Championship since 1990 .    Edgewood’s  lakeside  location  offers  endless  inner-Zen at the stunning spa, the seasoned
                                              opportunities to enjoy outdoor fun . Not only are  staff will ensure your stay is both unlabored
         And while we all now know Edgewood  Lodge guests treated to luxury amenities, like  and unforgettable .
         Tahoe offers amazing golf, thanks to a recent  the year-round heated pool and hot tub, they
         expansion in 2017, Edgewood Tahoe is now  also receive a dedicated team to help schedule

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