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VOLUME 12 • ISSUE 2 • Fall 2020
                                                                                                            FALL  2020

                                                                           ON THE COVER
                                                                    Women that Rock
                                                                           Photo by Dale Robinette
                                                                                                     WOMEN THAT ROCK
                                                                                                FALL 2020  LEADING LADIES WE LOVE
                                                                                                  DON’T BE NAUGHTY!  JOIN A WINE CLUB
                                                                                      BE NICE - THE BEST LOCAL GIFT GUIDE EVER  AND REAP THE BENEFITS
                                                                                              #SOUTHERNOREGONSTRONG see pg 26
                                                                            Owned and Operated by Rogue 5 Media Incorporated
                                                                              co-owner  Ryan Chackel
                                                                              co-owner  Heidi Chackel
                                                                                                           EDITORIAL & AR T
                                                                              publisher  Ryan Chackel
                                                                                 editor  Heidi Chackel
                                                                            art direction  Becky Aulisio
                                                                             copy editor  Lynn Leissler

                                                                                                     WRITING & PHOTOGRAPHY
                                                                       contributing writers  Steve Boyarsky, Valerie Coulman, Pamela Gibson,
                                                                                       Bryant Helgeland, Nisha Jackson, Lynn Leissler,
                                                                                       Lisa Manyon, Krissy Milner, Leslee Ryerson, Liza
                                                                            contributing  Jerry Clarkson, Eric Mindling, Carl Page, Spencer
                                                                          photographers  Reynolds, Dale Robinette, Mark Unger, Steven
                                                                           sales manager  Leslee Ryerson
                                                                        account executive  Athena Fliegel
                                                                                                               CONTACT US
                                                                                phone  541-840-4450
                                                                          mailing address  1574 Coburg Rd #206
                                                                                       Eugene, OR 97401

                                                                    Southern Oregon Magazine Copyright 2020 by Rogue 5 Media
                                                                    Incorporated. All rights reserved. No part of the publication may be
                                                                    reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic
                                                                    or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information
                                                                    storage and retrieval system, without the express written consent of
                                                                    Rogue 5 Media Incorporated. The views and opinions expressed within
                                                                    Southern Oregon Magazine are the authors’ and do not necessarily
                                                                    represent the views  or  opinions  of  Rogue 5  Media  Incorporated,  it’s
                                                                    employees, staff or management.

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