Page 50 - Southern Oregon Magazine Spring 2020
P. 50

neck of the woods | art

                                                                                                         The Help

                                                                    Oregon Shakespeare Festival, and recently taught an OLLI photog-
                                                                    raphy class.
        Failures, with his best friend—an imaginary 1,200-pound polar bear.
                                                                    There are good and bad days when shooting a film. The crew works
        At one time, still photographers were in danger of being eliminated   long hours, sometimes in harsh weather, and the still photographer
        or their hours on set greatly reduced. Dale gives an example that   often tries to be invisible while attempting the ultimate shot. Dale
        illustrates how essential it is for the still photographer to be on the   has waded through Louisiana swamps with water moccasins and alli-
        set daily. Wanting to beat L.A. traffic, he showed up in Pasadena   gators supposedly removed, shot in a flooded tomb in hot water up
        before the scheduled shooting time. To his surprise, they were   to his chin, dodged pyro effects being hurled near the camera, and
        already shooting. He clicked a quick few frames and captured shots   dealt with many other challenging circumstances. Some stars, like
        that became the worldwide one sheet of Aaron Eckhart, the star in   George Clooney, Jessica Chastain, Hugh Jackman and many others,
        Jason Reitman’s hit, Thank You for Smoking.                 are cooperative and a constant joy. Others—not so much. In that
                                                                    case, he focuses on staying calm, quiet, and being invisible.
        On set with younger actors, his friendly and helpful demeanor have
        earned him the nickname Uncle Dale. On the last day of filming, he   Dale Robinette could sit for hours with a cup of coffee and talk of
        gives the cast and all of the crew Uncle Dale’s Fun Family Photos, a   the people he’s met, of the movies he’s been privileged to film, and
        compilation of them doing their job.                        about the movie industry. He loves what he does, and plans to keep
                                                                    working for as long as he is needed.
        What brought the Robinettes to Southern Oregon? Like many tired
        of Southern California  traffic, they sought a quieter pace. They
        looked at various locations, eventually buying 20 acres in the moun-  Dale Robinette
        tains, excited to make Ashland their new home. Dale has shot for the

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