Page 92 - Southern Oregon Magazine Spring 2020
P. 92

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        When it comes to planning for those outdoor spaces, the advantage to   In recent years, Flaherty has seen an increasing interest in the area
        hiring a garden design professional is in their ability to incorporate not   in moving beyond simple landscape design. “I came to add the words
        only the best features of a site, but the problematic ones as well. “My   ‘outdoor living’ to my business name to emphasize an area of design
        clients and I always begin with an in-depth assessment of not only their   that has come to the forefront for me over the past couple of years:
        needs/desires, but also how they view their current landscape, with   outdoor entertainment spaces.”
        its inherent values and deficits. I want to create a design for my clients
        that gives them as much of what they’re looking for as possible within  As an example, Veridian recently completed an outdoor kitchen pro-
        a budget range that feels realistic for them.” From a simple design that   ject at the home of Delando Pegan, owner of Rellik Winery in Central
        a homeowner can implement themselves to complete project over-  Point (pictured). “We worked to create an outdoor kitchen that would
        sight and management, Flaherty is always conscious of both his clients’   not only blend seamlessly with the architecture of the home that sur-
        needs and budgets as they bring their dreams to reality.   rounded it, but serve as a year-round entertainment hub,” says Flaherty.
                                                                  The  myriad practical details of water supply, fuel  sources, seating,
        “The design of the most beautiful, relaxing outdoor spaces, in my expe-  flow and counter space all had to fit into some strict parameters. On
        rience, always comes back to keeping it simple,” he says. “This is where  the Pegan project in particular, the kitchen and all of its components
        many DIYers can get stuck.” That’s where his unique services come   needed to fit inside a cozy rectangle that sat between the house and the
        in. From the creative roots of his business, Flaherty has branched out   retaining wall behind the pool. The result is a functional and beautiful
        both in the levels of service he offers and in collaboration with other   space that will serve the family for years to come.
        professionals in the valley. “We provide clients with everything from
        simple garden consultations to full property landscape design to pro-  Paths, patios, pergolas, water features, fire pits, even spas and putting
        ject management through construction in collaboration with trusted   greens are among the many features that Flaherty considers and inte-
        local contractors.”                                       grates to create comfortable, functional and easily maintainable spaces

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