Page 28 - SOM FALL 2017 BOOK
P. 28

      buzz | tidbits

                                                     HAPPENINGS IN TALENT
                                                     In August of 2017, the Talent Urban Renewal Agency Board unanimously approved
                                                     inclusion of a makerspace facility as one of the final eight “selection criteria” for devel-
                                                     opers to consider when creating a vision for the 4.23-acre Gateway Project located at
                                                     the corner of West Valley View Road and Highway 99, at the eastern gateway to historic
                                                     Downtown Talent, Oregon. Along with the makerspace facility, which will offer com-
                                                     munity access to a variety of tools and resources for creative projects and learning
                                                     new skills, the other selection criteria for this project include: mixed use, multi-story
                                                     housing (to include affordable rentals, senior housing, and/or workforce and “miss-
                                                     ing middle” housing); sustainable design, open spaces and pedestrian connections; and
                                                     generally “embracing and enhancing Talent’s distinct culture—a place that cherishes its
                                                     history, its beautiful natural setting, its agricultural heritage, and the arts.”
                                                     Talent Maker City is a nonprofit organization serving Southern Oregon as a hub for
                                                     creative, technical, and economic innovation. TMC’s concept of community service is
                                                     built on the foundation of creative expression, grassroots economic sustainability, and
                                                     career readiness.

                                                                       SPREADING JOY
                                                                       Del Rio Vineyards once again spread joy last summer
                                                                       through their free flower gardens. They invited folks to visit
                                                                       and flower it forward. The only rule—for every bouquet
                                                                       you pick for yourself, you pick one for someone else.
                                                                       Bouquets were shared with someone in a care facility, a
                                                                       friend in need, a stranger who might benefit from a smile.
                                                                       They encouraged people to bring their own vases, clippers,
                                                                       and buckets, although they had water and vases available for
                                                                       those who didn’t have their own. (They gladly accept vase
                                                                       donations.) The program’s purpose is to spread joy, and the
                                                                       flowers aren’t for resale. Del Rio looks forward to seeing
                                                                       you next summer.

                                                                       Photo by Ashley McCarty of  Jolee Wallace

                                                                       DRINK PINK

                                                                       Also of note at Del Rio Vineyards, for
                                                                       the whole month of October you can
                                                                       Drink Pink for breast cancer aware-
                                                                       ness with six bottle bundles of the
                                                                       ever-popular Rose Jolee for $60. In
                                                                       honor of breast cancer awareness, $5
                                                                       of each bundle sold will be donated to
                                                                       Asante for mammography screening
                                                                       and education in the Rogue Valley. This
                                                                       bundle of refreshing wine is the perfect
                                                                       way to treat either yourself or someone
                                                                       you know, and to contribute to finding
                                                                       a cure and to help women prevent
                                                                       breast cancer.


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