Page 175 - Manual Of Operating Practices For Trade Remedy Investigations
P. 175

Manual of OP for Trade Remedy Investigations

                                        F.No. XX/XX/2018-DGTR
                                          Government of India
                                     Ministry of Commerce & Industry
                                        Department of Commerce
                                  Directorate General of Trade Remedies
                                     Jeevan Tara Building, New Delhi
                                                                    Dated: .......................

              The Domestic Industry/Petitioners

              Subject: Initiation of  Anti-Dumping  Duty imposed on imports of AAA
              originating in or exported from YYY.


              The Designated Authority, constituted under the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 to
              investigate into the existence, degree and effect of the alleged dumping, has
              initiated an investigation imposition of anti-dumping duty on imports of AAA
              originating in or exported from YYY. Initiation Notification No. AA/BB/2018-DGTR
              dated the AA November, 2018 issued by the Authority is available on the website
              2.     The period of investigation (POI)  proposed by the applicant was  from
              April, 20XX – March, 20YY and the injury investigation period was for the periods
              April 20AA-March 20BB, April 20BB to March 20CC, April 20CC to March 20DD.
              However, for enabling the Authority to make required analysis on the basis of more
              updated data, the Authority hereby determines the POI as …20XX to … 20YY
              (… Months). The injury investigation period will be the same i.e. 2013-14, 2014-
              15, 2015-16 and POI. The data beyond POI will also be examined to determine the
              likelihood of dumping and injury.

              3.     Confidential information: Please ensure that the information supplied is
              clearly marked either ‘confidential’ or ‘non-confidential’ at the top of each page.
              Information supplied without any mark shall be treated as ‘non-confidential’ and
              the Designated Authority shall be at liberty to allow the other interested parties to
              inspect any such non-confidential information.

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