Page 242 - Manual Of Operating Practices For Trade Remedy Investigations
P. 242


               (ii)   The  methodology  adopted  by  the  Domestic  Industry  in  segregating  the
                     import data into PUC and NPUC be indicated along with observations of
                     the verification team.

               (iii)   The basis of segregating PCN wise imports, if relevant be also verified and
                     reconciled with total imports;

               4.    Imports of PUC by DI:
               (i)   Whether details of PUC imports made by the Domestic Industry and its
                     related parties, if any were also available for verification? Discrepancies
                     noticed be indicated.
               5.    Domestic Sales:

               (i)   Details regarding  quantity  and value  of  domestic  sales during POI  to be
                     reconciled with the audited accounts/ERP System.
               (ii)   Details about sales to related customers, if any along with quantity and
               (iii)   Whether the turnover figures were verified with reference to the audited
                     accounts/ERP System?

               (iv)   Whether the supporting documents in this regard taken on record and
                     details of deficiencies, if any noticed.

               (v)   PCN wise sales figures be also obtained/verified, if relevant. The PCN wise
                     sales should reconcile with overall figures (both quantity and value).
               6.    Capacity and production:

               (i)   Whether the installed capacity and production for the injury period were
                     verified and the supporting documents evidencing installed capacity and
                     production were taken on record?

               Note:  The total production included NPUC shall be verified where the same plant
                     produces more than one product and some of them are NPUC.
               (ii)   Whether exact dates of commencement of enhanced commercial capacity
                     was obtained, if applicable? Details of deficiencies, if any noticed.

               7.    Raw materials and packing materials consumption and reconciliation
                     (Format A, B and D):

               (i)   Whether the opening stock, purchases, consumption and closing stock of
                     various raw materials, packing materials and utilities reported in relevant

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