Page 318 - Manual Of Operating Practices For Trade Remedy Investigations
P. 318

Injury Analysis

               Cash Profits

               Average Capital Employed
               PBIT as % of Avg. Capital Employed
               Average Industry Norm for PBIT as % of
               Avg. Capital Employed, if any

               *  If the same plant can be used for the production of NPUC also, the total production including NPUC needs
               to be indicated.
               **  Small Scale Industries (SSI) means a micro enterprise/small enterprise or a medium enterprise as defined
               in The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006

               11.7.40.  It is important to note that the Format H requires the DI to provide
              average industry norms for relevant performance indicators, like capacity
              utilization, productivity, inventory and PBIT, as a percentage of average capital

              11.7.41. The impact of dumped imports is to be examined on domestic sales only,and
              if there is a fall in export performance of the DI, it should not be attributed to
              dumped imports. Performance of export sales or costs related to export production
              may not be relevant for injury analysis. Pricing of captive consumption/transfers
              may be very relevant in this analysis especially if captive transfers are not at arm’s
              length price.

              Threat of Material Injury

              11.7.42. A threat of material injury in Anti-dumping investigations is a situation
              where the DI has not suffered an injury over the period considered, but an injury
              to the DI is clear and imminent if the present circumstances continue. Sub-para (vii)
              of the Annexure-II (corresponding to Article 3.7 of the ADA) inter-alia provides that
              the determination of threat of material injury should be based on facts, and not
              merely on allegation, conjecture or remote possibilities.

              11.7.43.  According  to  the Para  (vii)  of  Annexure  II to  the  Rules, the  following
              non-exhaustive list of factors should be considered in totality when making a
              determination of the threat of material injury:

              (i)    Whether there is a significant rate of increase of the dumped imports into
                     the domestic market, indicating the likelihood of substantially increased

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