Page 584 - Manual Of Operating Practices For Trade Remedy Investigations
P. 584

Relevant Wto Jurisprudence

                     “In investigations where the domestic industry is defined on the basis
                     of producers representing a major proportion of total production, an
                     investigating authority will nevertheless have to assess the situation of
                     domestic producers outside the domestic industry definition in order to
                     understand "whether it is the impact of the subject imports that have
                     explanatory force for the changes in the various economic factors and
                     whether the strength of other domestic producers could be a possible
                     separate cause of injury to the defined 'domestic industry.”

               24.15.  The Appellate Body in  Mexico – Anti-Dumping Duties on Rice (DS-295)
               noted that having agreed with the Panel that more recent data was likely to provide
               better indications about the current injury, the Appellate Body stated the following:

                     "[A] gap of 15 months between the end of the period of investigation
                     and  the  initiation  of  the  investigation,  and  another  gap  of  almost  three
                     years between the end of the period of investigation and the imposition
                     of the final anti-dumping duties, may raise real doubts about the existence
                     of a sufficiently relevant nexus between the data relating to the period of
                     investigation and current injury”.
               24.16.  In WTO dispute Guatemala – Cement II (DS-156) the panel by stating the
               following lines have explained that “data collection should be for at least three

                     “The  Panel explained: "A  recent recommendation  of the  Committee on
                     Anti-Dumping Practices calls on Members to use a data collection period of
                     at least three years. This recommendation reflects the common practice of

               24.17.  In WTO dispute Mexico – Steel Pipes and Tubes (DS-331) the panel has in
               the following case discussed that the more recent the data is, the more accurate the
               results it gives: –

                     “The panel noted that the selection of the period of investigation by
                     an  investigating  authority  was  a  critical  element  in  the  anti-dumping
                     investigative process. The Panel noted further that there were clear textual

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