Page 227 - MANUAL OF SOP WITH COVER- 04.12.2018
P. 227

Manual of OP for Trade Remedy Investigations

              (xxx)   Investigation team should ask the applicant/respondent to describe the
                     nature of each clerical error. This will help them understand whether or not
                     the error can be accepted as a minor correction.  If the investigation team
                     determines that the clerical errors and minor omissions are acceptable as
                     such, it will take the corrected version on record as a verification exhibit.

              (xxxi)  If the team senses that the applicant/respondent is presenting substantially
                     new information, either prior to or during the verification, they should not
                     make any commitment to accept the new information, as it will have to be
                     brought to the notice of the DG and then accepted or rejected. However,
                     the new information must be verified and all the relevant details based on
                     the revised new information must be collected as exhibits.

              (xxxii)  Although minor discrepancies can be allowed to be rectified, major
                     discrepancies are serious flaws in the data base which call into question
                     the very integrity of certain sections of the response or the complete
                     response itself.  In case of major discrepancies, the team should document
                     the existence of the discrepancy and collect complete information as it will
                     require to be dealt with during the post-verification decision making process.
                     It is important that team members make it very clear to the respondent that
                     collection of such information does not constitute acceptance or verification
                     of the new information.

              Corporate organization and structure
              (xxxiii)  Team members should also make sure that they have information regarding
                     the organizational structure of the respondent in effect for the POI. Further,
                     even if the response is clear on corporate organization and structure, the
                     industry should be asked to make a detailed presentation to enable the
                     team to understand all the players. This will provide a better overview of the
                     entire company and not just the unit involved with the merchandise under
                     investigation or review.  Such information may lead to the discovery of
                     unreported sales distribution channels or affiliated customers and suppliers.

              Product information

              (xxxiv)  It is essential that team members understand about all the products the
                     company produces, where they are produced and how individual products
                     are accounted for in the respondent’s accounting system.  The verification
                     should focus primarily on accounting of PUC.

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