Page 240 - MANUAL OF SOP WITH COVER- 04.12.2018
P. 240


                                                                 File No. 4/1/2018-DGAD

              Subject: Instructions to be followed while submitting the Verification Reports.
              As already indicated in the times lines for disposal of anti-dumping and CVD
              investigation applications, all Exporter Verifications shall henceforth be carried
              out only after completion of domestic Industry verification and completion of Oral
              Hearing. In this regard, the following instructions should be complied with:
              i.     The Investigating Team will examine the Producer / Exporter response
                     before actual travel in each case and prepare specific questionnaire / points
                     for verification and the same ought to be sent to the parties well in advance;
              ii.    Before putting up the file for approval of foreign visit, the Investigating
                     Team shall clearly spell out date wise action plan, critical points identified
                     for verification for each producer / trader;
              iii.   A copy of approved tour Programme along with a copy of each Verification
                     Report (both Domestic Verification and Exporter Verification) is to be placed
                     in the main file and all the Noting sheets to be merged in main file, if any
                     part files are opened during investigation;
              iv.    A combined date wise summary of itinerary / verification of each foreign visit
                     may be placed in file for information, wherever more than one units are verified
                     during the visit. This is in addition to the respective Verification Report of each
              v.     The verification of Traders data, if in the same city, be preferably done
                     at producer’s premises as this would also help in cross checking of data /
              vi.    The Trader’s Verification Reports in case of foreign verification must confirm
                     as to whether they have exported the goods (PUC) from other producers
                     too. If so, summary thereof also need to be indicated;
              vii.   The feasibility of verification through Video Conferencing/ desk study based
                     on certified documents, where the number of invoices are very few, may
                     also be considered by each Investigating Team; and
              viii.   Wherever deficiencies were noticed and pointed out, they must be
                     incorporated in the Verification Report.

              2.     The aforesaid instructions must be strictly complied.
                                                                            (Sunil Kumar)
              I.Os and C.Os

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