Page 346 - MANUAL OF SOP WITH COVER- 04.12.2018
P. 346
Determination of Dumping Margin
13.12. The determination of normal value is solely based on the fact of responding
producer exporter submitting complete response and satisfying the eligibility tests.
13.13. After notification of initiation of investigation, the producer exporters are
required to submit the EQ Ralong with the certified formats as notified vide Trade
Notice No. 05/2018 dated 28.02.2018 within the stipulated time. The responding
producers/exporters are inter-alia required to submit the following information/
documents for workings of the normal value:
S. No. Document/Information
1 Listing of domestic sales transactions for the PUC along with adjustments –
Appendix 4A, 4B and 4C
2 Listing of exports to India for the PUC along with adjustments and supporting
evidences/ justification - Appendix-3A, 3B and 3C
3 In case of PCNs, the sale listing should be as per PCNs.
4 Details of complete sales of the entity as per Appendix 4A, 4B, 4C
5 Details of all channels of sales
6 Detailed listing of sales transactions of PUC with related party along with evi-
dence of arm’s length pricing – Appendix 11.
7 Sample sales invoices for POI
8 Detailed information for computation of COP
13.14. Generally, one normal value is determined for each of the co-operative
producer exporter for the POI as whole. However, in some cases monthly or
quarterly normal value may also be determined especially in case of volatile market
for the product. Normal Value in such cases should be determined month wise
or quarter wise based on the relevant information submitted by the co-operative
producer exporter for computation of accurate dumping margins. However, for
quantification of duties to be recommended as per the Rules, the result of analysis
done on transaction wise, weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly should be converted
into one weighted average dumping margin.
13.15. The first step in normal value determination is examination of the
questionnaire response filed by the producers and exporters. If the response is