Page 375 - MANUAL OF SOP WITH COVER- 04.12.2018
P. 375

Manual of OP for Trade Remedy Investigations

               to  put  forward  their  submissions,  followed  by  the  Embassies  of  the  respective
               subject countries, producers’ exporters from subject countries, importers and users.
               Thereafter the Domestic Industry gets an opportunity to present their rebuttal oral

               15.17.  With regard to the documents being referred to during the hearing, a set of
               instructions have been issued from time to time through Trade Notice No. 1/2009,
               Trade Notice No. 1/2011, and Trade Notice No. 03/2012.

               15.18.  If any interested party intends to circulate any document/paper during the
               hearing, copy of the same must be provided to all participants at least one day prior
               to the public hearing by physical copy or by e-mail or both.If an interested party
               intends to submit/present some information on confidential basis during the public
               hearing, the same along with NCV thereof must be submitted to the Designated
               Authority at least three days prior to such hearing. It should be ensured that the
               NCV of such information gives a meaningful summary of the CV.In case no such
               NCV is provided before the stipulated period, the interested party may not be
               allowed to present such papers in the public hearing.

               15.19.  Time is given to all the interested parties, who make oral submission, for
               filing written submission subsequent to the oral hearing. The DGTR directs all the
               participants to file submissions in writing in CV and NCV, which are to be sent by
               e-mail and non-confidential copy to be marked to each other.

               15.20.  At the end of the hearing the Designated Authority grants time for filing
               written submissions by indicating a specific date. All the participants are instructed
               to reproduce their oral submissions in writing in CV and NCV which are to be sent
               by e-mail. The NCV has to be shared with other participants present in the hearing.
               Another date is also indicated for filing rejoinder written submissions by all the
               interested parties.

               15.21.  The non-confidential version of the written submissions is kept in NCV. The
               rejoinders are not required to be kept in the NCV file.

               15.22.  In case any written/rejoinder submission is physically filed, then it should be
               received with a date stamp and sign to note the time of submission.

               15.23.  Any submission received beyond the date fixed may not to be taken into
               consideration. The Disclosure Statement may note the delayed filing as reasons for
               not taking submissions into account.

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