Page 386 - MANUAL OF SOP WITH COVER- 04.12.2018
P. 386
Disclosure Statement & Final Finding
16.13.3 Annexure III - Methodology for Injury Assessment and examination
of Injury and Causal Link
(i) Injury factors & analysis;
(ii) Volume effect of dumped imports;
(iii) Price effect of dumped imports on the domestic industry:
(a) Price undercutting;
(b) Price underselling; and
(c) Price suppression and depression.
(iv) Economic parameters of the domestic industry:
(a) Market share;
(b) Profitability;
(c) Return on Investment;
(d) Production and Capacity Utilization;
(e) Sales Volumes;
(f) Selling Price;
(g) Employment and wages;
(h) Productivity;
(i) Magnitude of dumping;
(j) Cash flow;
(k) Inventories;
(l) Ability to raise capital investment;
(m) Factors affecting domestic prices;
(n) Growth; and
(o) Any other economic factor which may be relevant for the injury
(v) Conclusion on material injury.
(vi) Magnitude of injury (Injury Margin): However, in case of SSR/MTR, the
analysis of injury in terms of the aforementioned economic parameters is
more important and injury margin need not be indicated.
(vii) Likelihood analysis in case of review investigations