Page 432 - MANUAL OF SOP WITH COVER- 04.12.2018
P. 432

Review Investigations

               Authority has initiated or rejected the initiation on case to case basis . This view has
              been confirmed by Hon’ble High Court of Delhi .
               17.33.  As a matter of practice, it is normally preferred that initiation is based on an
               application filed by the domestic industry after examination of prima facie existence
               of sufficient grounds to do so.


               LEGAL PROVISION
               17.34.  Rule 23(1A) reads as under:

                     (1A) The designated authority shall review the need for the continued
                     imposition of any anti-dumping duty, where warranted, on its own initiative
                     or upon request by any interested party who submits positive information
                     substantiating the need for such review, and a reasonable period of time
                     has elapsed since the imposition of the definitive anti-dumping duty and
                     upon such review, the designated authority shall recommend to the Central
                     Government for its withdrawal, where it comes to a conclusion that the
                     injury to the domestic industry is not likely to continue or recur, if the
                     said  anti-dumping  duty  is  removed or  varied  and  is therefore no  longer
                     warranted .

               17.35.  The MTR can be initiated by the Authority on its own initiative or on receipt
               of Application from the interested parties .
               17.36.  The established practice of the Authority is to always conduct a
               comprehensive review which includes analysis of dumping, injury, causal link and
               likelihood of injury .

               19   Please refer to Para XVII of Chapter 24 for WTO Jurisprudence.
               20  Kesoram Rayon v. Designated Authority &Ors W.P.(C) 146/2017; Gujrat Alkalies& Chemicals Ltd. v. Designated
               Authority &Ors W.P..(C) 147/2017; Grasim Industries Ltd. V. Designated Authority &Ors W.P.(C) 247/2017; TECHFAB
               India Industries Ltd. v. Designated Authority &Ors W.P.(C) 640/2017; STRATA Geosystems (India) Pvt. Ltd v. Designated
               Authority &Ors W.P.(C) 641/2017;VVF (India) Limited v. The Director General of Safeguards &Ors W.P.(c) 1847/2017;
               Strata Geosystems (India) Pvt Ltd &Anrv. Union of India &Anr W.P.(C) 5088/2017; Grasim Industries Ltd vs. UOI &Anr
               W.P.(c) 5089/2017; Kesoram Rayon v. UOI &Anr W.P.(c)5095/2017; Aarti Drugs Ltd v. Designated Authority &Ors
               W.P.(C) 7464/2017(High Court of Delhi).
               21   Please refer to Para XVII of Chapter 24 for WTO Jurisprudence.
               22   Please refer to Para XVII of Chapter 24 for WTO Jurisprudence.
               23   The interested parties have requested to introduce practice of partial review involving only the dumping or only
               the injury pertaining to an exporter only, to be done on a fast track basis, however, it is only at proposal stage under
               consideration with the Directorate.

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