Page 514 - MANUAL OF SOP WITH COVER- 04.12.2018
P. 514

Safeguard Investigations
               21.41  The evidence presented by one interested party shall be made available to
               the other interested parties in order to enable them to file rejoinders.

               21.42  The findings are required to be issued within 8 months from the date of
               notice of initiation of investigation. The findings deal with determination whether
               the increased imports of the article under investigation have caused serious injury or
               threat of serious injury to the domestic industry and that a causal link exists between
               the increased imports and the said injury. Accordingly, the recommendations are
               given regarding amount of duty which, if levied, would be adequate to prevent or
               remedy serious injury or threat of serious injury to the domestic industry.

               21.43  The preliminary/final findings and recommendations are considered by the
               Standing Board on Safeguards under the chairmanship of Commerce Secretary
               under Department of Commerce.

               21.44  The views of the Standing Board on Safeguards are then placed before the
               Finance Minister for approval of levy of Safeguard duty. However, no time period is
               prescribed for the Department of Revenue to take decision on the recommendations
               of the Board on Safeguards, unlike in case of anti-dumping investigations, where a
               period of 90 days has been allowed to Department of Revenue.

               21.45  After approval by the Finance Minister, Department of Revenue may issue
               a notification imposing a Safeguard duty under Sec 8B of the Act. These duties are
               applied on all countries without discrimination. However, developing countries as
               detailed in para 21.48 may need to be considered for exemption.

               21.46  In the event of conclusion of injury, the Authority generally recommends Ad
               valorem duty i.e. percentage of CIF price of imports/Assessable Value.

               21.47  The second proviso to sub-section (1) of section 8B of the Act, provides that
               the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, exempt such
               quantity of any article as it may specify in the notification, when imported from any
               country or territory into India, from payment of the whole or part of the safeguard
               duty leviable thereon. In other words, safeguard duty shall be levied only on the
               additional quantities over and above such exempt quantities.

               21.48  Article 9 regarding Developing Country Members inter-alia provides that
               Safeguard measures shall not be applied against a product originating in a developing
               country Member as long as its share of imports of the product concerned in the

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