Page 610 - MANUAL OF SOP WITH COVER- 04.12.2018
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Relevant Wto Jurisprudence

               24.84.  In WTO Dispute Guatemala – Cement II (DS-156) stated the following
               regarding disclosure statement:

                     “The Panel having found that Guatemala's failure to disclose the "essential
                     facts" forming the basis of its final determination was in violation of Article

               24.85.  The interested parties submit their  response to the disclosure and  the
               final position of the   Authority taken therein. The Authority examines these final
               submissions of the parties and comes out with final findings.

               24.86.  The Article 5.8 on Anti-Dumping Agreement, prescribes the criteria how an
               application under Anti-Dumping Agreement shall be rejected and an investigation
               shall be terminated promptly as soon as the authorities concerned are satisfied that
               there is not sufficient evidence of either dumping or of injury to justify proceeding
               with the case.  There shall be immediate termination in cases where the authorities
               determine that the margin of dumping is de minimis, or that the volume of dumped
               imports, actual or potential, or the injury, is negligible.  The margin of dumping
               shall be considered to be de minimis if this margin is less than 2 percent, expressed
               as a percentage of the export price.  The volume of dumped imports shall normally
               be regarded as negligible if the volume of dumped imports from a particular
               country is found to account for less than 3 per cent of imports of the like product
               in the importing Member, unless countries which individually account for less than
               3 percent of the imports of the like product in the importing Member collectively
               account for more than 7 percent of imports of the like product in the importing

                     “The Panel in Mexico – Corn Syrup (DS132) found that "Article 5.8 does
                     not impose additional substantive obligations beyond those in Article 5.3
                     on the authority in connection with the initiation of an investigation. That
                     is, if there is sufficient evidence to justify initiation under Article 5.3, there
                     is no violation of Article 5.8 in not rejecting the application." The Panel in
                     Mexico –Steel Pipes and Tubes made the same observation regarding the
                     relationship between Article 5.3 and Article 5.8.In Guatemala – Cement
                     II, the Panel rejected the argument that Article 5.8 applies only after an
                     investigation is initiated, stating: "[I]f the drafters intended that Article
                     5.8 apply only after initiation, the reference to promptly terminating
                     an investigation would have sufficed. By referring to the rejection of an

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