Page 74 - MANUAL OF SOP WITH COVER- 04.12.2018
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Domestic Industry Standing
Eligibility Test
4.9.7. The applicant should be the actual producer of the PUC during the period
of investigation;
4.9.8. The sole producer can file an application and is allowed to be an applicant
DI ;
4.9.9. Generally, the producer should have merchant sales of subject goods in the
domestic market. This is necessary as the manufacturer consuming all its production
captively will not be able to give data for carrying out injury analysis where analysis
has to done by comparing net sales realization with other parameters and the
demand in the country on account of other users of the subject goods will remain
4.9.10. The Associations /Federations/Councils can also file an application on behalf
of DI. However, in such cases, they are required to furnish the names of the specific
members (producers/manufacturers) who will provide the costing/financial data for
the analysis of economic parameters. The member producers filing the data will
have to qualify all prescribed eligibility criteria. The following information will be
examined to establish their claim (instructions circulated vide F.No. 14/44/2016-
DGAD dated Nil):
(i) Is the Association a registered body? If so a copy of the Registration
(ii) A copy of the Bylaws & Memorandum of Association (MOA);
(iii) A list of the members;
(iv) Details of the Executive body / Managing structure of the Association;
(v) A copy of the minutes of the meeting in which it was resolved by the
Association to file an anti-dumping application on behalf of some of / all its
9 Final Finding in Anti-Dumping investigations on imports of Resorcinol originating in or exported from China &
Japan, F No. 14/37/2016-DGAD dated January 4, 2018; Final Finding in Anti-Dumping investigations on imports
of Sodium Nitrite originating in or exported from China PR, F No. 39/1/99-DGAD dated November 3, 2000; Final
Finding in Anti-Dumping investigations on imports of Sodium Nitrate originating in or exported from European
Union, China PR, Ukraine and Korea RP, F No. 15/1009/2012-DGAD dated November 12, 2014; Final Finding in Anti-
Dumping investigations on import of Viscose Staple Fibre excluding Bamboo fibre originating in or exported from
China PR and Indonesia, F. No. 14/6/2009-DGAD dated May 17, 2010; Final Finding in Anti-dumping investigation
on Import of Diketopyrrolo Pyrrole Pigment Red 254(DPP Red 254) originating in or exported from China PR and
Switzerland, F.No. 14/8/2014-DGAD dated June 19, 2015.