Page 95 - MANUAL OF SOP WITH COVER- 04.12.2018
P. 95

Manual of OP for Trade Remedy Investigations

               POI for nine months  or six months  has also been accepted supported by proper
               5.12   If the  POI is different from financial year/ accounting year of the
               company, the certified copy of the balance sheet/profit & loss account has to
               be provided by the DI/other stakeholders. However, no initiation can be delayed
               merely because the POI is different from the financial year of the company.

               5.13   The investigation team can suo motu revise the POI by one or two quarters,
               with the approval of DG, at the time of initiation of investigation with a view
               to obtain more updated and representative data. The revision of POI should be
               communicated to the Applicant immediately in order to enable him to update the
               data accordingly so that revised data can be placed in the inspection folder.

               5.14   No request for a change in POI can be considered after initiation.

               5.15   As the Post POI data needs to be considered for examination in case of
               threat of injury and likelihood scenario, the same should be preferably mentioned
               in the initiation notification itself that Post POI data shall be considered. In such
               a case, the post POI data could either be given by the applicant or sought by the
               investigation team from DGCI&S or responding exporters.

               POI for new shipper review cases (“NSR”)
               5.16   POI determination is different in NSR cases. The prospective POI was
               considered in some of the recent cases. However, it allows the NSR applicant a
               flexibility in fixing the export price which is not desirable. Therefore, the following
               options could be considered:

               a)    Where anti-dumping duties were originally based on “sampling” method
               during the original investigation for the relevant subject country i.e., sampled
               units were each given a separate rate and other co-operative units were given the
               weighted average rate of the sampled units. It may be considered to extend the
               said weighted average rates to the NSR applicant to expedite the findings after
               following the due process of investigation.

               7  Final Finding in Anti-Dumping investigation on import of SDH transmission equipment originating in or exported
               from China PR and Israel. F.No. 14/2/2009-DGAD dated October 19, 2010 wherein POI was 1  April- 31  Dec 2008;
              8  Final Finding in Anti-Dumping investigation on import of Wire Rod of Alloy or Non-Alloy Steel originating in or
              exported from China PR, F. No. 14/17/2016-DGAD dated August 30, 2016 wherein POI was 1  July 2015 to 31
              December 2015.
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