Page 4 - Second World War
P. 4

Rise of fascism

                                                                     The fascists maintained an armed
             After several liberal                                      paramilitary wing, which they                                                Within a few years,

            governments failed to                                                       employed to                                                      Mussolini had
         rein in these threats, and                                 fight anarchists, communists, and                                            consolidated dictatorial
                 the fascists had                                                        socialists.                                             power and Italy became a

            increased their public                                                                                                              police state. On 7 January
                                                                                                                                                     1935, he and French
          profile by highly visible                                                                                                               Foreign Minister Pierre

           punishment expeditions                                                                                                                Laval signed the Franco-
              to supposedly crush                                                                                                                Italian Agreement, giving
             the socialist threat,                                     Britain attempted to                                                        him a free hand in the

           King Victor Emmanuel III                                         broker peace but                                                        Abyssinia Crisis with
            of Italy invited Benito                                                                                                               Ethiopia, in return for

               Mussolini to form a                                     failed; Mussolini was                                                         an alliance against
         government on 29 October                                           bent on conquest
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