Page 12 - Williams Foundation Future of Electronic Warfare Seminar
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A New Approach and Attitude to Electronic Warfare in Australia
5 Price, Instruments of Darkness, p.182.
6 Browne and Thurbon, Electronic Warfare, p.26.
7 Browne and Thurbon, Electronic Warfare, p.26
8 Price, Instruments of Darkness, p.252.
9 United States Air Force, Pacific Air Forces, Directorate of Tactical Evaluation report quoted in Mark D
Howard, ‘Crow Ressurection: The Future of Airborne Electronic Attack’, unpublished thesis, School of Advanced
Air and Space Studies, Maxwell Air Force Base, AL, 2013, p. 9.
10 Mark Lax, From Controversy to Cutting Edge: A History of the F-111 in Australian Service, Air Power
Development Centre, Canberra, 2010, p. 191.
11 Lax, From Controversy to Cutting Edge, p. 192.
12 Lax, From Controversy to Cutting Edge, p. 168.
13 Sam LaGone, ‘CNO Richardson: Navy Shelving A2/AD Acronym’, USNI News, 3 October 2016, viewed
17 August 2017, <>.
Group Captain Braz on the RAAF and the Way Ahead on Electronic
At the heart of the Seminar and the discussion were the presentations by Group Captain Braz of the RAAF, a
key figure in the introduction of the Growler into the RAAF, and CDR Mike Paul, Electronic Attack Wing, US
Navy Pacific Fleet.
The two provided a significant look inside the standing up of the RAAF capability and the key role of the US
Navy in this effort, and in turn the ability to standup up a joint capability.
The US Navy has provided an important lead in working the relationship with the RAAF in standing up this
capability and in a rapid manner. In many ways, the Growler dynamic between the two forces provides a
model of how capabilities can be generated rapidly in a coalition context to deal with an evolving threat
For the RAAF, Growler represents a jump start to a 21st century EW effort, which includes Wedgetail and F-
35. For the US Navy the cutting edge work which the RAAF is doing with regard to shaping a 21st century
integrated force helps the US Navy to think through ways to break through stove piped thinking.
Group Captain Braz underscored that the RAAF was focused on taking EW from a niche capability within the
ADF to working into a core competence within the integrated force.
“How we might drive this jet, and wider EW and cyber thinking, into the mainstream?
“Please note my use of the word drive. We need to take this thing and forcefully insert it into our daily
Second Line of Defense
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