Page 3 - Williams Foundation Future of Electronic Warfare Seminar
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A New Approach and Attitude to Electronic Warfare in Australia
The Williams Foundation has been a thought leader in bringing together the key players in the Australian
military as well as allies to shape a way ahead for the integrated force.
Since March 2014, the Williams Foundation has conducted a series of Seminars that explored the
opportunities and challenges afforded by the introduction of next generation combat capabilities.
Topics that have been explored prior to the latest seminar have included:
• Air Combat Operations – 2025 and Beyond
• Battlespace Awareness – The Joint Edge
• Integrating Innovative Airpower (held in Copenhagen)
• Training for an Integrated ADF: Live, Virtual and Constructive Design-Led Innovation
• New Thinking on Air-Land
• New Thinking on Air-Sea
• Integrated Force Design
On August 23, 2017, the Williams Foundation held a seminar on the future of electronic warfare.
With the introduction of the Growler, this has provided a natural hook into the broader discussion of the
evolving payloads, which need to be part of an integrated 21 century combat force.
The seminar background and focus was described in the run up to the seminar as follows:
An increasingly sophisticated and rapidly evolving threat with ready access to advanced, commercially
available off-the-shelf technology is transforming the operational context in which the Australia
Defence Force must now survive and fight.
The next generation battlespace will be contested across multiple domains with control of the
Electromagnetic Spectrum becoming just as important as control of the Air if the Joint Force is to
operate with the freedom of manoeuvre necessary to ensure campaign success.
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