Page 69 - Williams Foundation Future of Electronic Warfare Seminar
P. 69

A New Approach and Attitude to Electronic Warfare in Australia

            "We have used space largely as a communications domain, but as adversaries adopt new approaches, we
            need to reconsider how we do business as well.

            "And we are adding Tritons and F-35s, which means we can reshape our networks, and access to space will
            be needed to enable configurable and redundant networks.

            "Antarctica will become increasingly important in the period ahead. It is the world’s back door and states will
            look to use transit over the pole to shorten operating distances to areas of interest.
            "We want to make sure that we are able to properly defend our ability to maintain Antarctica as a neutral

            Question: Integrated air and missile defense is clearly an important coming capability for Australia.

            How best to approach that challenge?

            Air Marshal Davies: We have a project, Air 6500, which is designed to get to this capability, and we have
            tactical pieces relevant to such an effort.

            "But we are certainly not there.

            "We should be starting with, "How are we going to coordinate air warfare destroyers, space-based
            communications, F-35, future frigates, Triton and P-8 into an integrated operating picture?

            "How do we coordinate all of the command and control, including the civilian air traffic control sensors?

            "How do you get them onto the same sheet of music?
            "How do you begin to get all the different parts of the national orchestra to play a tune we have not finished
            writing yet?

            "We are working to shape intellectual warriors who allow us to use those disparate elements, and pull them

            "And without that web, without that integrated air and missile defense, within which we have to plug our allies,
            or at least make it pluggable, we'll have fallen short.

            "That is one of the next big steps for us."

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