Page 15 - Norwegian Special Report
P. 15

Reshaping Norwegian Defense

            A key requirement for Norway is rapid and effective reinforcement by allies in case of crises.  The Cold
            Response exercises as well as the Trident Juncture exercise coming next year are key elements of the
            reshaping both the Norwegian concepts of operations and plug and play capabilities for strategic







            A USMC general, who spoke during the conference, underscored that the old days of stockpiling equipment
            and slow rolling force into a crisis was simply not going to work against evolving capabilities of adversaries.
            Clearly, rapid insertion in a plug and play manner is a crucial element for force generation and deterrence in

            And sustainment is a key part of any effective national defense strategy.  The Norwegians are clearly looking
            at the need for a robust European sustainment capability for the F-35 as a key element of their force building
            strategy and support for the kind of sortie generation rates necessary for their defense.

            A key challenge facing Norway will be the shaping of an effective C2 system for national defense. How best
            to integrate an agile force able to operate over the vast regions of Norway, the Arctic and the North Atlantic
            to provide effective management of an extended defense force?

            The speakers highlighted the importance in the uptick of UK engagement with Norway and the central
            importance of working with the USMC, the USN and the USAF as well.

            Similar to the famous Sherlock Holmes story where the key to the mystery was the dog that did not bark, not
            a single speaker mentioned Canada even though with the emphasis on the North Atlantic and the Arctic
            Canada is a crucial player.  But with no serious force modernization plans in process, how will the UK, the US
            and Norway deal with Canada and any strategic gap left by Canada’s non-modernization of forces?

            In effect, NATO is entering a new phase whereby those countries, which take Article III seriously, will anchor
            regional defense and force integration. It is difficult to defend those who have no real approach to their own
            defense.  And notably with regard to Norway they are working closely with Finland and Sweden as well to
            shape an extended defense strategy.

            For example, later this year, the Air Forces of these three countries will conduct a common Arctic security and
            defense exercise.

            According to a press release by the Norwegian Air Force published in early February 2017:

            The Air Forces of Finland, Norway and Sweden will host multinational Arctic Challenge Exercise 2017 from 22
            May to 2 June 2017. More than one hundred aircraft from twelve nations will participate in the air exercise
            carried out in the airspace over the northern areas of the host countries.

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