Page 15 - Maritime Services and the Kill Web
P. 15

The Maritime Services, the Allies and Shaping the Kill Web

            The F-35 is now going to take technology into a revolutionary three-dimensional situational awareness

            This capability establishes a new vector for TacAir aircraft design, embracing software upgradeable
            platforms and weapons.

            This can be measured by a three-dimensional plot incorporating a “Z” axis.

            The “Z” axis of cockpit fusion engine dynamics of incorporating software upgradeable system performance is
            a new R&D vector in combat aircraft design. In brings the OODA into a marriage with advanced technology
            sensing and hence more effective payload delivery.

            Like Boyd using his F-86 for OODA, the F-35 is not only advanced OODA, but platform OODA for OODA
            sake is not enough, because now the payload carried by the combat force is everything.

            It is now much more than a gun or early AA missiles, which constrained Boyd’s thinking.
            Just like the example of laser guiding a bomb to destroy the Paul Doumer Bridge, a new chapter in
            technology and warfare has been captured in the fifth generation combat world by two USMC Fighter Pilots.

            The first is Lt. Col. Chip Berke-USMC-a former Top Gun Instructor, USAF F-22 exchange Pilot and CO
            ofVMFAT-501 a USMC F-35 Squadron quipped in an open discussion when challenged by an F-22 pilot-

            “I will win the fight because “I will fry you before you see me.”
            The second was underscored in our discussion with then Major Greg Summa a USMC XO of an F-35 Squadron
            who as an F/A-18 pilot had attended the Navy Fighter Weapons School (TOPGUN) and completed the
            Strike-Fighter Tactics Instructor (SFTI) Course said in flying the F-35 on a range against enemy capabilities-

            For example, if I need an electronic warfare tool set, with the F-18 I have to call in a separate aircraft to provide
            for that capability.

            With the F-35 I have organic EW capability.

            The EW capability works well in the aircraft.

            From the time it is recognized that such a capability is need to the time that it is used requires a push of a button.

            Consequentially the “F/A/E”-35 can both fire/drop kinetic weapons or radiate directed “trons” as a payload
            function a truly new technology age is upon us.
            Historically, Command and Control (C&C) was external to 1,2,3, 4th and some 5th Generations of
            TacAir.  Now way overly complicated known as C5ISR the goal was still enhancing fleet wide combat
            performance for all Type/Model/Series (T/M/S) of TacAir.

            This is the historic AWACS and Red Crown (USN ship) hub and spoke battle management concept.

            But by using a three-dimensional graph, one can understand that a “Z-axis” (3 dimensional plot) takes
            airpower into a totally different design domain.

            The shift can be exemplified by ditching C5ISR and going back to the need for the best robust and survivable
            higher echelon Command and Control (C&C or C2).

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