Page 7 - Forrest-Student-Handbook-FINAL-2024-2025
P. 7
Per MCSD district policy:
Tardy to School - Any student arriving to school following the ringing bell, chime, or other audible
signal established by the principal and intended to indicate the start of the school day.
Tardy to Class – A student is tardy to class when they arrive to class following the beginning of
instructional time.
Unexcused Tardies – Students accumulating three (3) days of unexcused tardies will receive a
parent phone call from the teacher, office staff, or automatic calling system.
Continued Tardies – Students accumulating five (5) tardies will be referred to the principal or the
principal’s designee for a required mandatory parent conference and counselor referral.
Consequences may include detention or other actions in accordance with local school system
Ten or More Days Tardy – Referral to the School Social Worker and as deemed appropriate to
support agencies outside the school system. Outside agencies may include the Department of
Family and Children Services (DFCS), law enforcement, Juvenile Court, Family Connection, or
other external agencies.
The parent or guardian must report to the front office to check-in students arriving to school
after the tardy bell (7:40 AM).
Escorting students in will ensure students arrive safely, so please do not just drop them off.
If necessary, park in a designated parking spot so as not to impede normal traffic flow or block
emergency vehicle access.