Page 103 - Situated_Making_Catalogue
P. 103

Artist's Curriculum Vitae  Exhibition

 personal information
 Christa  van  Zyl  (1981)  completed  her  undergraduate  degree  and  Master's  degree  in  acknowledgements
 Graphic Design at the University of Stellenbosch in 2003 and 2008. After working as a   printing of works — Dumanis textile printers
 professional designer, she chose to follow in the footsteps of her parents and grandpar-  sowing — Nozuko Ndisina / Nhantsike Apparel
 ents by taking up an academic position at the University of Johannesburg. Since the end   sculptures and paintings — Christa van Zyl in collaboration with Christhea Coetzee-van Zyl
 of 2010, van Zyl has been a full-time faculty member at UJ's Faculty of Art Design and   styling of photography — Eugene Hön
 Architecture. She teaches Communication Design to undergraduate and postgraduate   editor (artist statement and series paragraphs) — Lizè Groenewald
 students. Within this position, her research focus shifted from representation to collab-  proof reading — Adrie Haese
 oration and human-centred design. She is commencing with her PhD at the University   art directing — Eugene Hön
 of Johannesburg in 2024, focussing on her postgraduate teaching and the difficulties of   graphic design and layout (catalogue) — Mubanga Changa / MPDS
 creating impactful community engagement projects..

 artist’s biography  Thank you to Eugene Hön and his team for the curation and installation of the exhibition.
 Christa van Zyl works mostly in the commercial sphere and has designed numerous book   A special word of thanks to the University of Johannesburg Research Committe (URC)
 covers, magazines, murals and postcards for NGOs, her faculty and clients.   and Faculty Research Committee (FRC) for their financial support.

 exhibitions & awards
 Christa van Zyl has participated in multiple exhibitions, including design work for Eugene
 Hön's Interventions in Practice piece (2021), Art on Paper (2014), as well as Book-
 nesses (2016) in collaboration with David Paton, Martin Bolton, Ashton Moseley and Eu-
 gene Hön. She is also the departmental annual exhibition curator for Graphic Design
 from 2011 to the present.

 Length 3000mm / height 1000mm / width 2000mm.
 Digitally Printed Fabric and diverse materials.
 June – August 2022.
 Not for sale
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