Page 110 - Situated_Making_Catalogue
P. 110

Artist Statement

          The word “corona” is the Spanish word for “crown”. There   The subject matter of the work I have created is                                                                     The subject matter of the work I have
          is something poetic about that because we have had   the COVID 19 virus as it multiplies. I have drawn on                                                                     "
          to be leaders in our communities in order to overcome   my technical jewellery skills to manufacture multiple                                                                   created is the COVID 19 virus as it
          the COVID 19 pandemic. The COVID 19 pandemic has   illustrations  of  the  COVID  19  virus  in  polystyrene,
          been very difficult to deal with for the whole of humanity.   copper spheres and twisted copper wire and a                                                                      multiplies. I have drawn on my technical
          We have had to change the way we go about our daily   singular sterling silver COVID 19 inspired ring in the
          lives.  While  there  have  been  a  lot  of  negative  effects  of   centre of the work.                                                                                       jewellery skills to manufacture multiple
          the pandemic, I believe there have been a lot of positive
          aspects to it too. We have spent more time with loved                                                                                                                           illustrations of the COVID 19 virus
          ones, the planet has benefitted from the lack of carbon
          emissions produced by the cars we drive and we have                                                                                                                             in polystyrene, copper spheres and
          become more conscious about our health. My work is a
          representation of this duality in that although the subject                                                                                                                     twisted copper wire and a singular
          matter is focused on the devastation of the pandemic, the
          work  I  have  produced  looks  good  aesthetically,  making                                                                                                                    sterling silver COVID 19 inspired ring
          one to not focus on the negative.
              My general area of focus features a combination
          of precious metals as well as alternative materials such as                                                                                                                     in the centre of the work. "
          polystyrene, as is the case in the work on display. As a
          contemporary jeweller it is important that we use alternative                                                                                                                   — THATO RADEBE
          materials  because  they  are  a  defining  characteristic  of
          contemporary jewellery as they raise questions of material
          value, reinvention, recycling and sustainability. Combining
          them with precious metals to make contemporary jewellery   Heavy is the head that wears the CROWN.
                                              Length 450mm / height 60mm / width 450mm.
          challenges the traditional concept of value.  Sterling silver, copper and polystyrene.
                                              June 2022.

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